Long spaceflights can shrink the heart, study finds

Physiologists have revealed that long spaceflights can shrink the heart, in what could be a worrying finding for the next generation of astronauts.  Even a long-term programme of low-intensity exercise in space is not enough to counteract the effects of prolonged weightlessness on the heart, they say.  The researchers examined data from retired astronaut Scott … Read more

Earth’s Great Oxidation Event occurred 100 million years LATER than previously thought, study finds 

The Great Oxidation Event that saw oxygen levels surge and life flourish on Earth happened 100 million years later than previously thoughts, researchers claim. University of Leeds experts analysed rocks from South Africa that were deposited in the ocean at the time of the Great Oxidation Event more than two billion years ago. This event … Read more

Adults with gum disease are TWICE as likely to have high blood pressure, study warns

Adults who suffer from gum disease are TWICE as likely to have high blood pressure, study warns Researchers at UCL looked at the link between gum disease and blood pressure  Found people with periodontitis are 2.3 times more likely to have hypertension  In study, 14% of people with periodontitis had a medically high blood pressure This … Read more

Coronavirus: One vaccine dose halves risk of infection in care home residents, UK study finds

Single Covid jab cuts the risk of care home residents catching the disease by 62%, study finds University College London study of more than 10,000 people in care homes It found there was ‘substantial’ protection from Covid after one vaccine dose Risk of testing positive fell by more than half from four weeks after the … Read more

Horses can recognise their reflection in mirror and want to preen themselves, study finds 

Horses pass the mirror test: Horses are like humans as they can recognise their reflection in mirror and want to preen themselves, study finds A team in Italy studied a group of horses and how they reacted to their reflection An X was painted on their faces in ultrasound gel which they tried to remove  … Read more

Vaccine protection is stronger for those previously infected by coronavirus, study finds 

Vaccine protection is stronger for those previously infected by coronavirus, study finds Those previously infected by coronavirus are more protected by Pfizer vaccine Antibody levels against South African and Brazilian variants are 15 times higher  The study took blood samples from 237 vaccinated NHS workers aged 22 to 71  By Victoria Allen Science Correspondent For … Read more

Narcissism on social media is driven by insecurity, study suggests

A new study may explain what motivates the ‘self-focused nature of social media’ – and people who constantly post selfies on Instagram.   From surveys of nearly 300 people, US psychologists found that narcissistic behaviour is linked to what they call ‘vulnerable narcissism’.  Vulnerable narcissism can manifest itself as self-promoting behaviours – such as constant selfies … Read more

Coronavirus infects cells in the mouth, causing oral symptoms like taste loss, study shows

SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes Covid-19, infects saliva and cells in the mouth, a new study shows. US researchers have found evidence that salivary glands are one area in the mouth where the deadly virus infects our cells.  SARS-CoV-2 infection in the mouth accounts for the oral symptoms people with Covid-19 have been experiencing, such … Read more

Study reveals which Easter Eggs are the most eco-friendly – with Nestle’s at the bottom of the list

With Easter just around the corner now, many Brits will already be planning out which chocolate Easter eggs they’re going to treat themselves to. Now, research from Uswich has revealed which Easter eggs are the most eco-friendly, and which are the most damaging to the environment. Their analysis took into account several factors, including the … Read more

Covid survivors have three times the antibody response to a single dose of the vaccine, study finds

Coronavirus survivors who get vaccinated respond up to seven times better to it than those who haven’t had the virus, a study has found. Researchers found that antibody levels were three times higher in people who had the virus and then one dose of Pfizer‘s jab, compared to someone who had never been infected but … Read more