Three million UK workers may move to a post-pandemic four-day week study finds

Three million UK workers may move to a post-pandemic four-day week study finds – as PwC tells 22,000 staff to start and finish work when they want Be The Business survey said 18 per cent are considering it to boost productivity Five per cent of small and medium-sized firms already brought it in, study says … Read more

Brisk walking 5 times a week may combat brain aging, study suggests

A brisk walk around the block several times a week could do wonders to preserve a healthier mind – as well as body – as you age, a new study suggests.    In a year-long study conducted by University of Texas, Southwestern, researchers found that middle aged and older Americans scored higher on cognitive tests and … Read more

Study estimates 67% of cases between December and February were linked to UK variant

About two-thirds of all U.S. coronavirus cases identified over the past three months may be linked to the variant first identified in the UK, a new study suggests. There are at least 11,569 cases of the strain, known as B 1.1.7, in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  But … Read more

Fewer than 5% of COVID-19 infections are acquired in schools, Canadian simulation study finds 

A small percentage of coronavirus infections are acquired during the school day, a new study suggests. Researchers conducted several simulations and found fewer than five percent of COVID-19-related illnesses among students and teachers occurred at school and that most cases were contracted within the community. The team, from Public Health Ontario, in Canada, says its … Read more

Mice engage in social distancing, study shows

Many animals practice social distancing when illness is detected in their group; Vampire bats will stop grooming sick groupmates, but continue providing food for them We’ve all become familiar with the concept of social distancing in the last year. But the animal kingdom has been practicing the health recommendation all along, according to a growing … Read more

Drinking wine can slash your risk of needing eye cataract surgery by up to 23 per cent, study finds 

Drinking WINE five or more times a week can slash your risk of needing eye cataract surgery by up to 23%, study finds Drinkers who consume up to 14 units a week are less likely to need eye surgery  Wine was the most effective, slashing the risk by up to 23 per cent  While the … Read more

Hypnosis alters how you process information, study finds 

How hypnosis changes your BRAIN: Getting put under alters how you process information and causes neural regions to act independently of each other, study finds Researchers examined the brain of one person in and out of a hypnotic state They identified changes to the structure of the brain while under hypnosis This included regions of … Read more

Coronavirus study: Immune system will recognise ‘virtually all’ types of Covid after vaccine

Immunity and vaccines WILL protect people against Brazilian and South African Covid variants because white blood cells recognise ‘virtually all’ versions of the virus, study claims Researchers in the US and Singapore tested immunity against new virus variants They said immune system T-cells were able to recognise ‘virtually all’ Covid T-cells are crucial part of … Read more

People are more likely to cheat when part of a large group, study finds 

We’re more likely to cheat when we’re part of a large group, a new study reveals – likely because we think that other people are cheating too.  North American researchers examined whether competition pool size had any effect on people’s propensity to cheat on a word task to win prize money.  A larger number of competitors … Read more

People who regularly smoke cannabis are just as likely to exercise as non-users, study finds

People who use marijuana are not lazier than non-smokers of the class B drug, researchers claim.  Filmmakers often portray cannabis smokers as laid back, lackadaisical and sloth-like individuals, but experts from the US found this to be a misleading trope.  Instead, data from more than 20,000 Americans revealed that marijuana users are equal to, or … Read more