The Bidens bring PDA back to the White House, body language expert reveals

From holding hands to a kiss on the lips, Joe and Jill Biden put on an affectionate display at yesterday’s inauguration.  The couple, who have been married for 40 years, looked ‘confident and comfortable’ both together and as individuals as they led the proceedings in Washington. D.C., according to body language expert Judi James.  Speaking to … Read more

Covid UK: Mass testing of whole regions to bring cycle of lockdowns to an end by spring

Mass testing of whole regions is being considered by No10 to help bring the hated cycle of lockdowns to an end by the spring. Testing could be used to move the worst-hit areas of the UK down the tiers, which could be implemented as the third national shutdown ends. One idea under consideration is to … Read more

Keir Starmer U-turns on EU freedom of movement saying he WON’T try to bring it back

Keir Starmer U-turns on EU freedom of movement saying he WON’T try to bring it back because the ‘British people would expect us to make Brexit work’ if Labour wins the next election He ran for Labour leadership vowing to bring back freedom of movement But today he said a Labour Government elected in 2024 … Read more

Chris Whitty says the government might have to bring in restrictions NEXT WINTER

Britain may have to endure coronavirus restrictions next Christmas because coronavirus ‘benefits’ from cooler months, Chris Whitty has suggested Britain may have to endure coronavirus restrictions next Christmas because coronavirus ‘benefits’ from cooler months, Chris Whitty has suggested.  Offical for National Statistics figures show an estimated 1.1 million people in private households in England had … Read more

What will 2021 bring for investors: Vaccine relief and Brexit

Boris Johnson: The Prime Minister has cancelled Christmas in a grim end to 2020 The grim end to this pandemic year should not cast a pall over investment hopes for 2021. Financial experts are upbeat about prospects for the UK, though the recovery might not kick in until the late spring or summer when enough … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Bring back 2 metre rule and wear masks at work and school, SAGE warns

SAGE advisers are calling for the two-metre social distancing rule to be brought back and for people to wear face masks all the time when in public. The Government’s top scientists said the current restrictions need to be toughened up if they are to stand a chance of stopping the new coronavirus variant. The variant … Read more

Britons open curtains to fresh snow with -6C Arctic blast set to bring up to FOUR inches more today

Britons today opened their curtains to fresh snow, with weather experts now forecasting -6C Arctic blasts and four more inches later today – sparking road and rail chaos warnings. Areas of the north such of the north, including Wigan and Manchester, were blanketed in snow overnight, along with Stoke-on-Trent in the Midlands. Meanwhile, Londoners woke … Read more

JANET STREET-PORTER: Tier 4, 2021, mutant strains – bring them all on

Is this the worst Christmas ever? As most of the country enters Tier 4 from Boxing Day, l’m trying to look on the bright side, find light in the gloom, things to be cheerful about. After all, I’m not spending the next two days holed up in a smelly lorry cab parked on a disused … Read more

Adele Parks reveals why winning the Lottery doesn’t bring happiness

We have all dreamed about winning the lottery and how we would spend the money, but very few people actually see that dream turn into a reality. Maybe that’s a good thing!  It might just be that extreme wealth could solve a number of immediate problems – like paying off the mortgage and credit cards … Read more