Horses can recognize photos of their owners even after six months or more apart, according to study

Neighh-ver forget! Horses can recognize photos of their owners even after six months or more apart, according to new study A study in France tested horses’ abilities to recognize photos of their keepers The horses were presented with two screens with photos of two humans Initially the screens showed random humans, but over time one … Read more

New study reveals how Chinook salmon use the Earth’s magnetic pulses to help navigate in the ocean

New study reveals how Chinook salmon use the Earth’s magnetic field as a kind of GPS signal to help navigate in the ocean Researchers confirmed the existence of magnetite crystals in Chinook salmon The crystals allow the salmon to sense magnetic pulses from the Earth They use these pulses as a biological GPS signal to … Read more

Dogs are less obedient when they hit puberty, study shows

Dogs become less obedient to commands from their carer during adolescence just like teenage kids, according to British researchers. In experiments, dogs were more likely to ignore commands given by their caregiver and were harder to train at the age of eight months, during puberty. Despite being less mature, prepubescent dogs around the age of … Read more

Nearly EVERYONE who recovers from coronavirus develops antibodies to it, study finds

Nearly EVERYONE who recovers from coronavirus develops antibodies to it: 95% of patients had the immune cells within 3 weeks, Chinese study finds Chinese researchers studied blood from 285 coronavirus patients  Within the first week after diagnosis, 40% developed short-term antibodies, and 95% had them within two weeks  All of the patients developed longer term antibodies … Read more

Coronavirus US: Stanford antibody study revises infection figure

Researchers from Stanford University have revised their study of how many people in Santa Clara County have coronavirus antibodies – but say it’s still much higher than previously believed. Last month, their analysis found that between 2.5 and 5.2 percent of residents tested positive for antibodies. That meant the number of infected Americans in the county was … Read more

Coronavirus infections do NOT start with a fever in most children, small study finds

How to know if kids have coronavirus: Infections do NOT start with a fever in most children, small study finds, as experts warn parents to look out for diarrhea and nausea instead Researchers at Tongji Hospital in Wuhan, China, looked at five hospitalized children under five years old Three of the five kids needed an … Read more

Imposing lockdown sooner could have prevented 2,000 coronavirus deaths in Scotland, study finds

Tens of thousands of coronavirus deaths in Britain may have been avoided if officials imposed the lockdown a fortnight earlier, a study has claimed. University of Edinburgh researchers said at least 2,000 lives would have been saved in Scotland, if the measures were brought in on March 9 instead of March 23. The official COVID-19 … Read more

Recovered COVID-19 patients could help provide ‘shield immunity’, study claims

People who have caught COVID-19 and recovered from the disease could be encouraged to rejoin the general public to provide ‘shield immunity’. The reintroduction of recovered coronavirus patients would, in theory, help reduce the rate of transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19.  Researchers from Georgia Institute of Technology say the immunity of the recovered patients … Read more

Middle-aged people are suffering almost 20 per cent more stress than two decades ago, study shows 

Middle-aged people are suffering almost 20 per cent more stress than they were two decades ago, researchers have discovered. The root of the problem lies in the ‘generational squeeze’ of having dependent parents on one side and grown-up children struggling to start a career on the other. This adds up to the equivalent of an extra … Read more

Children hit by inflamed blood vessels had coronavirus, study finds

Coronavirus IS causing deadly new inflammatory fever in some children, British study finds The deadly inflammatory syndrome has similar symptoms to Kawasaki disease  A common feature of the disease is the inflammation of heart and blood vessels A study of eight cases has suggested that the syndrome may be caused by coronavirus   NHS England has … Read more