People who do yoga regularly have fewer, less painful migraines, study shows 

Downward dog can relieve migraines: People who do yoga regularly have fewer, less painful headaches, study shows Researchers studied 114 adult individuals who were regular migraine sufferers Half were given medication while the other group were prescribed yoga as well Both groups’ headaches improved over the following three months of the study However, the yoga group … Read more

Brits are the most concerned about coronavirus, study suggests

Britons are more concerned about the coronavirus than people in any other country, including Spain and Italy, according to a new study. UK researchers conducted surveys on nearly 7,000 people’s thoughts and fears about the virus between mid-March and mid-April, across 10 different countries. While the UK came at the top of the pile, Spain … Read more

Rarely seen ‘ghost dogs’ of the Amazon moved on to endangered list, according to new study

Rarely seen ‘ghost dogs’ of the Amazon under threat as 30 percent of their national habitat could be lost to deforestation in just seven years A new study finds the mysterious short-eared dogs are under threat Researchers estimate their habitat could decline by 30 percent in 2027 The mysterious creatures play an important role in … Read more

Smiling really DOES make you happier: Study finds expressing happiness influences the brain

Smiling really DOES make you happier: Study finds expressing happiness influences the brain to generate positive feelings For decades, researchers have studied how acting happy could influence happiness A team at the University of Tennessee has analyzed 50 years of data on the subject They found there is a clear connection between acting happy and … Read more

Italy WILL face a deadlier second coronavirus wave, grim Imperial College London study finds

Italy will be hit by a more deadly second coronavirus wave as it eases lockdown, according to a sobering report from Imperial College London. Researchers modelled how the virus would spread in three scenarios – if the nation stayed in quarantine or if Italians increased their movements by 20 per cent and 40 per cent. … Read more

Optimists are up to 70% more likely to live to be 85, study finds  

Why you should ALWAYS look on the bright side of life: Optimists are up to 70% more likely to live to be 85, study finds Boston University researchers tracked the attitudes of nearly 70,000 US adults Mental state – as well as physical condition – is increasingly recognized as important to overall health and longevity  … Read more

Eating healthily has a ‘direct relationship’ with better mental health, study confirms

Diets improve BRAIN as well as body: Cutting back on fat and sugar has a ‘direct relationship’ with good mental health and cognitive function Scientists looked at past research to see how food affected mental health They found there were definite links in some areas and vaguer in others The Mediterranean diet was found to … Read more

Hayfever sufferers can have allergic reactions even if there’s no pollen around, study finds

Hayfever may be in the mind… not your nose: Sufferers can have allergic reactions even if there’s no pollen around, study finds US and German scientists find test subjects sneezed even when pollen was low Harvard Medical School and German university find smell can create symptoms ‘Psychological factor may make hayfever a little worse’ – … Read more

Pilot study launching to examine if dogs can sniff out coronavirus

Can dogs SMELL coronavirus? Scientists are launching pilot program to see if a ‘canine surveillance’ unit can screen people at airports and hospitals A pilot study is looking at whether eight Labrador Retrievers may accurately be able to sniff out coronavirus The dogs will be exposed to COVID-19 positive saliva and urine samples and then try to … Read more

Women who buy designer items are more likely to act in a selfish manner, study finds

Devils really do wear Prada! Women who buy designer items are more likely to act in a selfish manner, study finds Academics in Maryland looked at how designer goods can alter your psychology  In one test involving 72 female students, half received a £1,500 Prada handbag The other half participating in the test received a … Read more