First-ever study into Italians’ genetic diversity reveals it dates back 19,000 years ago

Researchers have dissected the evolutionary history of Italians for the first time, revealing their extraordinary diversity dates back 19,000 years. The study shows that northern and southern Italians evolved differently over time due to contrasting environmental and ecological circumstances that resulted in the peculiarities of their gene pools.  The results help to explain the differences … Read more

Volvo will use electronic speed limiters to keep all new cars from going faster than 112mph

Volvo will place electronic speed limiters in all of its new cars to prevent drivers from going faster than 112mph, and parents will be able to limit top speeds even further for their teens Every new Volvo sold will now have an electronic speed limiter  The device will ensure cars never travel above 112mph to … Read more

Startup gets $20million funding to make lab-grown seafood as an alternative to commercial fishing

Lab-grown fish is real: San Diego start-up gets $20million in funding to develop yellowtail derived from muscle tissue cells taken from real fish BlueNalu is a San Diego startup that makes lab grown seafood The company says its products are ethical and sustainable alternatives to commercial fishing, and are made from real fish muscle tissue … Read more

Unprecedented heat wave hits the Arctic, raising temperatures to 86 degrees this week

Unprecedented heat wave hits the Arctic, raising temperatures to 86 degrees this week due to climate change and a high pressure system A high pressure system moved into the Arctic, bringing warm air from Siberia  Coupled with climate change, the pressure spiked temperatures to 86 degrees  The warm weather is expected to stay for the next few … Read more

Gaming company NVIDIA shows off AI that recreated Pacman in just four days after watching gameplay

Gaming company NVIDIA shows off AI that was able to recreate Pacman in just four days by watching gameplay Nvidia’s AI can recreate playable games just by watching gameplay It was able to construct code of Pacman in just four days The tool could be used to help generate levels and other game aspects It … Read more

Physicist creates the fifth state of matter from their living room

A physicist in the UK has created the fifth state of matter from her living room during the coronavirus lockdown using quantum technology. Dr Amruta Gadge from the University of Sussex created a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) – a state of matter where extremely cold atoms clump together and act as if they were a single … Read more

Coronavirus symptom tracker shows spike in new cases since loss of smell was added to symptoms

Coronavirus cases in the UK surged after the government added loss of smell and taste to the list of disease symptoms, a coronavirus symptom tracker has claimed. Covid Symptom Tracker saw its estimated total number of cases jump by 27,441 in the four days following the announcement on May 18, to 279,188. The app also … Read more

Shipping containers could be converted into automated COVID-19 laboratories

‘Portable coronavirus labs’ built into shipping containers which can be moved about on a truck could provide a new low-cost way to process COVID-19 tests. Scientists from and King’s College London worked with a company called Opentrons Labworks to create the rapid robot-powered facility. The team say it is the first fully functional lab … Read more

4,500 year-old skeleton found in Germany in grave ‘lovingly bordered with field stones’

4,500 year-old skeleton found in German countryside grave ‘lovingly bordered with field stones,’ offering new insight on ancient burial practices Archeologists in the German countryside discovered a 4,500 year-old gravesite It contained the remains of a woman buried in a north facing fetal position The positioning is similar to that found in other sites across … Read more

Twitter expands test of tweets that vanish after 24 hours following evidence they reduce harassment

Twitter expands test of tweets that vanish after 24 hours following evidence that they help reduce harassment A test of ‘Fleets’ are being expanded from Brazil to Italy Twitter says the ephemeral tweets have helped reduce bullying reports  The platform hopes ‘Fleets’ will offer an alternative to more permanent posts By James Pero For Published: 17:09 … Read more