Covid-19: SAGE expert says schools in England may have to close

Keeping schools open during the November lockdown in England could mean infection rates stay higher for longer than when nationwide restrictions were first introduced in March, a leading scientist has warned. Former chief scientific adviser Sir Mark Walport said the new restrictions were not as ‘severe’ as the first time round, and that there was … Read more

Schools and colleges must be shut in another UK lockdown, teaching unions say

Teaching unions are already demanding the CLOSURE of schools in a new national lockdown – in defiance of Boris Johnson’s plan to keep them open ahead of press conference tonight Nationwide restrictions to be announced by Boris Johnson in press conference  NEU calls for ministers to introduce school rotas for the end of new restrictions … Read more

A FIFTH of state schools have 30 or more pupils self-isolating due to coronavirus

A FIFTH of state schools have 30 or more pupils self-isolating due to coronavirus with overall attendance across secondary and primary schools in England at 86%, figures show Majority of secondary schools in England sent home at least one pupil last week 6-7 per cent of state pupils did not go to class for Covid … Read more

Northern schools were MOST disrupted by Covid

Northern schools were the most disrupted by Covid, with a third of teachers diagnosed with the virus in mid-October living in the north-west, a report has revealed. This meant that at one point 710 teachers were absent from the region’s schools, leading to calls today for next year’s exams to be ditched in favour of … Read more

Jackie ‘O’ schools a listener for having an affair with her married boss 

‘You’re just a bit of fun for him on the side’: Jackie ‘O’ Henderson schools a listener for having a workplace affair with her MARRIED boss By J. Peterson For Daily Mail Australia Published: 01:06 GMT, 27 October 2020 | Updated: 01:06 GMT, 27 October 2020 Jackie ‘O’ Henderson school a listener on her radio … Read more

ROBOTS swim in schools ‘school’ to save energy, study finds

Underwater ROBOTS help scientists answer the age-old question of why fish ‘school’ – showing they can save up to 13 per cent more energy by synchronising their movements Researchers built swimming robotic fish to investigate the purpose of schooling  Found the synchronisation of fish in schools saves energy for each individual  The fish make use … Read more

Half of pupils missed out on HPV vaccine while schools were closed, figures reveal 

Half of pupils missed out on HPV vaccine while schools were closed during coronavirus lockdown, figures reveal Figures show only 59 per cent of girls have been given HPV jab in the past year This compares with an uptake of 88 per cent among schoolgirls in 2018-19 The HPV vaccine prevents infection from human papillomavirus … Read more

Pubs ARE being sacrificed to keep schools open, top scientist says

Pubs and restaurants are ‘bearing the brunt’ of local lockdown rules because there is no proof that anywhere else is more closely linked to the virus spreading and officials don’t want to close schools again, one expert said today. Professor Mark Woolhouse, an Edinburgh University epidemiologist and member of SAGE sub-group SPI-M, told MPs today … Read more

Italy to close high schools and enforce 10pm curfew after highest daily toll of Covid infections

Italy is considering imposing a nationwide 10pm curfew and closing all high schools due to a sharp rise in Covid infections. The country reported its highest ever daily toll of infections on Friday, with more than 10,000 people contracting the deadly virus in one day. Authorities are meeting on Sunday evening to discuss new measures … Read more