Covid UK: No10 launches hard-hitting ‘don’t let a coffee cost lives’ Covid ad

The Government today launched a hard-hitting Covid advertising blitz which warns people ‘don’t let a coffee cost lives’ as ministers warn police will tackle people flouting the lockdown amid a mass crackdown. No10 released two new posters this evening, with one showing masked people queuing outside while a caption claims that around one in three … Read more

Boris Johnson says No10 is ‘taking steps’ to protect UK from Brazilian Covid variant

Boris Johnson warns a THIRD Covid strain could be heading to the UK: PM says No10 is ‘taking steps’ to stop Brazilian variant which experts fear is similar to highly contagious Kent and South African strains The strain looks similar to the ones that emerged in Kent and in South Africa This suggests it could … Read more

No10 vows to trial 24/7 Covid jabs as GPs in parts of the UK are having to PAUSE vaccinations

Boris Johnson ‘WILL trial 24/7 Covid vaccinations’ as Matt Hancock admits GPs in parts of the UK are having to PAUSE vaccinations because of a lack of supply Senior Government source said ministers are ‘considering a pilot of 24/7 rollout’ Another U-turn after Boris claimed there was ‘no clamour’ for jabs past 8pm Doubts about … Read more

Rapid lateral flow Covid tests No10 is using are too inaccurate, scientist warns 

Professor Jon Deeks, a biostatistician from the University of Birmingham, accused the Government of making lateral flow tests seem ‘better than they are’ Boris Johnson‘s extortionate Operation Moonshot mass-swabbing scheme could accelerate Covid’s spread because the tests are so inaccurate, a top expert has warned.   Professor Jon Deeks, a testing expert at the University of Birmingham, … Read more

Boris Johnson ‘seen cycling seven miles from No10 in the Olympic Park’

Boris Johnson faced questions today after it emerged he went cycling in the Olympic Park over the weekend. The PM was spotted wearing a hat and a face mask at the park seven miles away from Downing Street yesterday afternoon. A source told the Evening Standard that Mr Johnson was exercising, accompanied by his security detail. … Read more

May day for pubs? No10 examining plans to keep bars closed for FIVE MONTHS

May Day for pubs? No10 examining plans to keep bars closed for FIVE MONTHS with full lockdown until late March as Covid death toll passes 80,000 No10 said to be privately gloomy about prospects ending lockdown next month  March 23 is being touted as a more realistic end date, a year after first lockdown The … Read more

Top surgeon fears cancer surgeries could be cancelled AGAIN unless No10 can curb spread of Covid

A top surgeon has raised fears cancer surgeries may be axed in the coming days unless the national lockdown swiftly curbs the spread of coronavirus. Professor Neil Mortensen, the president of the Royal College of Surgeons, warned today the situation in hospitals is getting ‘much worse’, and escalating faster than the ‘slow-motion car crash’ he … Read more

Dominic Cummings received No10 pay rise of at least £40,000 this year

Dominic Cummings got a PAY RISE from £95k to £140k: Boris Johnson’s lockdown-flouting adviser had his pay boosted by at least £40k before he left No10 – as documents reveal PM’s army of SpAds cost taxpayer almost £10m The Cabinet Office today published its annual report on special adviser pay  Data shows Dominic Cummings saw … Read more

No10 has ‘gambled with the UK’s future’ by choosing to relax Covid-19 restrictions over Christmas

No10 has ‘gambled with the UK’s future’ by choosing to relax Covid-19 restrictions over Christmas, MPs warn Review by cross-party group of MPs will slam the Governments response It will accuse ministers of making ‘false choices’ between lives and the economy And say that this has led to the UK facing one of the highest … Read more

ALEX BRUMMER: When it comes to the economic impact of the tier levels, No10 is flying blind

Finally MPs, the business community, employees and the rest of the country are discovering a terrible truth. When it comes to the economic impact of the tier levels that will determine the future of enterprise up and down the country during the coming months, the Government is clearly flying blind. Yesterday’s ‘impact statement’ was designed … Read more