No10 has a Secret Covid Dossier on economic as MPs are today set to vote on tiers system today

The Government has produced a second top secret dossier laying bare the devastating impact multiple coronavirus lockdowns have had on the British economy – but Boris Johnson won’t release it, it was revealed today.    Ministers are said to have designated a dozen industry sectors as ‘red’ – meaning they face significant job cuts and plunging revenues … Read more

Downing Street puts up traditional Christmas tree outside No10

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Traditional tree felled in York is put up outside Number 10 as Boris Johnson says it is a ‘first step to bringing us some festive cheer in a very challenging year’ Traditional Downing Street Christmas tree was put up outside Number 10 today Tree came from a … Read more

Boris Johnson appoints Dan Rosenfield as new No10 chief of staff

Boris Johnson has today appointed a former Treasury official who advised former chancellors George Osborne and Alistair Darling as his new chief of staff after a brutal civil war inside No 10 saw Dominic Cummings leave following a power struggle with Carrie Symonds.   The PM has recruited Dan Rosenfield for the key job at Downing Street in the wake of the … Read more

Coronavirus: No10 accused of ‘institutional racism’ for November lockdown that sacrificed Diwali

The Government has been accused of following an ‘institutionally racist’ lockdown policy in England which has sacrificed Diwali in favour of Christmas. Oxford University medicine professor Dr Soham Bandyopadhyay argued it was unfair that people who celebrate Diwali are now not allowed to see family. The five-day Festival of Lights, which began on November 14, … Read more

No10 ‘will hand back control of special advisers to ministers’

The Cummings clearout: No10 ‘will hand back control of special advisers to ministers’ as maverick aide’s legacy is dramatically torched Special advisers had to report directly to Dominic Cummings under old regime But new regime led by acting chief of staff Edward Lister is tearing up old rules Means special advisers will once again report … Read more

New No10 press chief Allegra Stratton slams ‘unpleasant’ Vote Leave aides

New No10 press chief Allegra Stratton breaks cover to slam ‘unpleasant’ Vote Leave aides amid claims she was ‘left in tears’ by vicious briefing – insisting she IS a Tory and voted for Brexit By James Tapsfield, Political Editor For Mailonline Published: 11:55 GMT, 15 November 2020 | Updated: 11:58 GMT, 15 November 2020 New … Read more

Carrie Symonds is accused of ‘wanting to be the new Princess Diana’ in No10 war

The vicious Downing Street civil war escalated again today as insiders voiced fury at ‘vicious and cowardly’ attacks on Carrie Symonds – including jibes that she wants to be the ‘new Princess Diana’.  The wave of negative briefing is threatening to tear the government apart, with complaints from the Vote Leave faction that the PM’s … Read more

PM’s adviser Dominic Cummings carries belongings out of No10 after leaving ‘with immediate effect’

Boris Johnson’s top advisor Dominic Cummings sensationally quit Downing Street with immediate effect tonight – strolling out the front door of Number 10 with a box in his hands. He was not due to leave his powerful Government role for more than a month, but capping a tumultuous 48 hours at the heart of Government he … Read more

BBC accidentally cuts to regional presenter looking VERY unimpressed during tensions at No10 report

‘She sums up the mood of a nation’: BBC accidentally cuts to Look East regional news presenter looking VERY unimpressed during its lunchtime bulletin on ‘tensions at No10’ Louise Priest, BBC Look East presenter, sighing heavily after screen cut to her Newsreader Jane Hill was suppose to be cutting to a political correspondent  Users took … Read more

Dominic Cummings ‘is set to resign’ after No10 meltdown

Dominic Cummings is set to quit Downing Street by Christmas after his closest ally was ousted in a power struggle with Boris Johnson‘s fiancée Carrie Symonds.   Mr Cummings rubbished rumours that he threatened to quit following the departure of No 10 communications director Lee Cain on Wednesday night.  Instead the chief aide is understood to have actually handed the Prime … Read more