Coronavirus can damage men’s fertility by harming sperm-making cells

Coronavirus can damage men’s fertility by triggering changes to sperm-making cells in the testicles, study suggests Researchers examined the testicular tissue of 2 men who died of coronavirus  Only one of the 12 showed signs of virus in their testes, and the lung tissue of 10 out of 12 was positive for COVID-19  Although there … Read more

Columbia researchers develop one-step coronavirus test that can be run in 30 minutes 

Researchers at Columbia University in New York City say they have developed a new coronavirus test that will be able to deliver results in just 30 minutes. It will be significantly faster than tests available at other US hospitals and medical clinics, which take between two to seven days to confirm results. What’s more, the team … Read more

Recovered coronavirus patients say they still haven’t gotten their senses of smell and taste back

Over the last several weeks, healthcare workers have been drawing attention to an unusual symptom of the novel coronavirus: the loss of taste and smell. Now, many recovered patients say that, months later, neither of those senses have returned, or they’re very muted. They tell The Wall Street Journal they can’t smell perfume and that some … Read more

Arthritis drug reduced the risks of dying of coronavirus by nearly half in a small study

Severely ill coronavirus patients treated with arthritis drug were HALF as likely to die as those who didn’t get it – and Acterma is now being eyed for a ‘treatment cocktail’ with remdesivir Half of 154 coronavirus patients on ventilators received doses of tocilizumab, a drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis  Patients given the drug … Read more

DNA may make people with Type A blood more vulnerable to coronavirus

DNA may make people with Type A blood who catch coronavirus 50% more likely to need oxygen or ventilator support, study suggests An international team of researchers sequenced the genomes of more than 1,600 severely ill coronavirus patients in Italy and Spain  They found two areas of DNA that were more common in these patients … Read more

One in seven secondary school pupils is suffering from ‘significant’ mental health problems

One in seven secondary school pupils is suffering from ‘significant’ mental health problems such as anxiety or low mood – and girls are worst affected Researchers studied questionnaire responses from 6,300 pupils in 21 schools They found that 15 per cent of pupils reported high mental health difficulties Girls and pupils in year 11 were … Read more

Shares soar for company as FDA approves application for trial of weed-derived coronavirus drug

Shares for a cannabis company spiked 324% after the FDA said it could apply to run a clinical trial of its marijuana-derived drug to treat coronavirus patients FSD Pharma received approval from the FDA to apply to run a clinical trial of a cannabis-derived drug on coronavirus patients The drug mimics molecules naturally found in marijuana … Read more

Health and safety probe is launched into group of care homes where 14 residents died from Covid-19

Health and safety probe is launched into group of care homes where 14 residents died from Covid-19 after whistleblowers claimed they were told not to wear face masks Guidelines said workers did not have to wear the masks if symptoms not present Care home group Horizon Care said no symptoms were displayed before April 2 … Read more

Antibiotic resistance breakthrough as experts make ‘poison arrow’ compound

Scientists have made a breakthrough in the fight against superbugs after developing a antibiotic that can kill bacteria before it develops resistance. Researchers at Princeton University in the US tested a compound, called SCH-79797, against 25 of the most dangerous antibiotic resistant bugs. It included a ‘super strain’ of gonorrhoea that is considered one of … Read more

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY reveals how to minimise the risk of infection if a loved one gets coronavirus

To protect everyone else in your household, it is important to step up your vigilance if a family member starts to show flu-like symptoms. Of course, because the virus is so clever at hiding itself, you could already be infected. But you should certainly up your guard just in case. When one of my sons, … Read more