STEPHEN GLOVER: Why I now have an inkling of what it must be like to live in a dictatorship

The chaotic and haphazard way in which a new lockdown was announced on Saturday evening symbolised Boris Johnson‘s disorganised approach to the pandemic over the past eight months. Nearly three hours late, the Prime Minister stood uneasily at his lectern, flanked by the two familiar ‘gloomsters’ — Sir Patrick Vallance and Professor Chris Whitty.  They … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: If Boris Johnson tries to ban Christmas, he will face an unholy revolt

Which of us would like to be in Boris Johnson’s shoes? The man who yearned as a child to be ‘world king’ is ground down by a resurgent virus that couldn’t care less about his dashed ambitions. His hero Churchill knew in May 1940 what we had to do: fight Nazi Germany to the death. … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Do the right thing on free school meals… and see off Labour 

Are the Tories again the ‘nasty party’, as critics of the Government’s refusal to extend provision for free school lunches over this week’s half-term and the Christmas holidays contend? Or is No 10 being perfectly reasonable, having provided extra welfare giveaways during the pandemic of some £9billion?  Are the Tories being wrongly depicted as mean-minded … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: So much for rule of law when police won’t probe a burglary…

We British are brought up to believe that our country is the freest in the world. It is supposedly the home of liberty — in contrast to more repressive nations on the other side of the Channel. In France, Italy and Spain, the police tend to be overzealous — and are widely distrusted. The State … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Who will rid us of these anti-Brexit, grenade throwing bishops? 

Church of England bishops have over the years derived much pleasure from flinging brickbats at the government of the day. That almost always means a Tory government. Thirty-five years ago, some prelates famously criticised Margaret Thatcher over her economic policies, which they thought were impoverishing the inner cities. But I’m not sure rebellious high ecclesiastics … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Why Boris Johnson shouldn’t give in to the Covid-19 doomsters

Making predictions can be a dangerous game.  In March 2001, a famous columnist promised in print that he would ‘eat my hat, garnished with bacon’ if Prime Minister Tony Blair did not call an election for May 3. Blair didn’t, and nor did the columnist — Boris Johnson — devour his hat. Admittedly his failure … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Why are scientists being ignored over the best way to tackle coronavirus

Fear stalks our country. It swirls around the Cabinet table, and has entered Boris Johnson‘s soul. One of his main terrors, according to colleagues, is Nicola Sturgeon. The First Minister yesterday announced tougher measures aimed at controlling the rapid rise of the virus. Mr Johnson is terrified that if the death rate in England should … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Can Boris Johnson actually deliver? 

Almost 40 years ago to the day, as a young journalist, I watched Margaret Thatcher make her famous ‘The lady’s not for turning’ speech at the Tory Party Conference in Brighton.  As she shot off the dais after the usual standing ovation, perspiring somewhat and in a state of high emotion, I was the first … Read more

Donald Glover reveals he welcomed his third child months ago amid the coronavirus pandemic

Donald Glover is now a father three times over. The Atlanta star revealed in a British GQ interview published Tuesday that he and his girlfriend Michelle White had welcomed their third child months ago amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The 37-year-old actor and writer spilled the beans while chatting with I May Destroy You star and … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Will the BBC rue the day it drove Andrew Neil into the arms of a rival news channel?

Will the BBC rue the day it drove Andrew Neil – by widespread agreement Auntie’s most forensic and best informed political interviewer – into the arms of a fledgling rival news channel? That is what many will ask following the announcement that Mr Neil is to be chairman of GB News, a new channel that … Read more