California doctor says arthritis drug improved coronavirus patients’ symptoms within 72 hours

California doctor says arthritis drug being tested in the US and France to treat coronavirus has improved patients’ symptoms within 72 hours Dr Imran Sharief, a pulmonologist from California, gave tocilizumab, a drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, to severely ill COVID-19 patients  He said one patient’s condition improved within 72 hours and they came … Read more

Arthritis drug may improve coronavirus patients – but experts warn effects are far from proven

An arthritis drug may better the conditions of severely ill coronavirus patients, a new small study suggests. Researchers found more that than 70 percent treated with anakinra, sold under the brand name Kineret, showed improvements in breathing and reduced signs of inflammation.  The team, from San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, Italy, says its findings are … Read more

Gilead looks for global partners to help make its experimental coronavirus drug remdesivir

Gilead Sciences Inc says it is planning to work with international partners to boost production of its experimental coronavirus drug remdesivir. On Friday, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued emergency use authorization for the medication made by the California-based company.  Remdesivir, which was originally developed as an Ebola drug, is given to hospitalized … Read more

Critically-ill coronavirus patient saved by quick-thinking doctor who gave him an arthritis drug

A critically-ill coronavirus patient was saved after getting a promising arthritis drug that is being trialled by doctors worldwide. Leonard Whitehurst was admitted to the Royal Cornwall Hospital on March 16 with a confirmed case of COVID-19. Over the course of his stay, his condition deteriorated until his prognosis was ‘very grim’, according to medics … Read more

Coronavirus: Drug trials could end lockdown before a vaccine

Coronavirus drug trials that finish next month could see lockdown fully lifted by mid-summer as scientists investigate more than 120 options More than 120 drugs are being investigated as a treatment for coronavirus These could provide quicker route out of the crisis than waiting for a vaccine Scientists at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital raised hopes … Read more

FDA has APPROVED experimental drug Remdesivir for emergency use for coronavirus patients

President Donald Trump announced Friday that the FDA has approved the experimental drug remdesivir for emergency use in hospitalized coronavirus patients.  It is the first drug shown to help fight the disease, which has killed more than 64,000 people in the United States.  Gilead’s chief executive officer Daniel O’Day, whose company produces remdesivir joined President Trump, … Read more

Coronavirus: New study slams Remdesivir ‘wonder drug’ claims

Doubts have been cast over the promising COVID-19 drug remdesivir that has shown ‘fantastic results’, after another study found it had no benefit. Remdesivir was reported by US officials to have ‘clear-cut’ evidence that it can help people recover from COVID-19, shortening the time of recovery. Dr Anthony Fauci, America’s top infectious disease expert, said … Read more

Arthritis drug may prevent severely ill coronavirus patients from needing life support

Severely ill coronavirus patients were less likely to die and less likely to need life support after just two doses of arthritis drug, new study finds Half of 129 severely ill coronavirus patients received two injections of tocilizumab, a drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis Those given the shots were less likely to be put on … Read more

US may approve emergency use of Ebola drug remdesivir TODAY

The US may approve emergency use of an Ebola drug today after one Oxford academic hailed its trial as a ‘fantastic result’ in the fight against COVID-19. Remdesivir, an antiviral made by California-based Gilead Sciences, was shown to slash recovery times in a global trial of more than 1,000 patients, including Britons. Anthony Fauci, America’s top … Read more