Covid-19: Everything you need to know about where you can go and what can you do once you’re there

Change is afoot — almost every day. So where can you go and what can you do, or not do, once you’re there?  With many of us practically confined to barracks, does it really matter if you have to self-isolate when you get home?  Here is everything you need to know.  A map showing which countries … Read more

Police will knock on your door just twice to check if you’re self-isolating… before giving up

Police officers checking on Brits who should be quarantining after returning to the country abandon their search if no one answers the door twice.  The National Police Chiefs’ Council admitted that when there is no answer at the address of someone who is meant to be quarantining, ‘no further enforcement action can be taken’.  The … Read more

Fast fix for a brain aneurysm – while you’re wide awake

Surgeons can now perform intricate operations to repair damaged blood vessels in the brain while patients are wide awake. The delicate procedure could be a lifeline for the 5,000 Britons every year who suffer a ruptured brain aneurysm – where a weakness in blood vessels inside the skull leads to catastrophic internal bleeding. About two per … Read more

Zara McDermott says ‘animals know when you’re feeling sad’ after Sam Thompson split

Zara McDermott cuddles her cat and insists ‘animals know when you’re feeling sad’ after ex Sam Thompson moves on with mystery brunette By Rianne Addo For Mailonline Published: 12:52 BST, 21 September 2020 | Updated: 12:52 BST, 21 September 2020 She was dumped by her boyfriend of 16 months last month after reportedly cheating on … Read more

When tiredness is a sign you’re having a SILENT heart attack

The trip had been months in the planning. A ten-day tour of Washington, Atlantic City and New York seemed the perfect way for Anthony Cottrell and his wife, Ellen, to celebrate their silver wedding anniversary. But as the couple toured the U.S. capital city, Anthony, then 48, found himself feeling increasingly tired.  ‘I just couldn’t … Read more

Think you’re having a bad day? Hilarious photographs reveal VERY unlucky mishaps

Talk about down on your luck! Hilarious photographs reveal VERY unfortunate mishaps – including a scooter stuck in cement and a phone stolen by a crocodile Amusing snaps documenting unfortunate mishaps were collated by Shareably The hilarious photos capture the exact moment when something goes wrong Incidents include a scooter stuck in cement and a phone … Read more

Phones know when you’re drunk from your wobbly walk

Smartphone app built by scientists knows when you’re drunk by using the device’s in-built sensors to detect tell-tale signs of intoxication Sensors found in regulation smartphones are now highly sensitive equipment  Researchers used these sensors to detect tiny differences in a person’s gait  Over ten steps it was able to detect a person who was … Read more

Why gym fanatics claim measuring time BETWEEN your heart beats can tell you if you’re overdoing it

If, like a third of Britons, you own a fitness tracker, you may already count your steps, track your sleep quality and keep a tally of calories consumed and expended. And, reasonably, you might also think that your daily data is comprehensive enough to keep ill health at bay. But those ‘in the know’ are … Read more

A cruise ban is crazy… you’re now safer on our ships than on shore, says RICHARD DOWNS

Everything was looking shipshape. Last week, we in the British cruise industry were talking about sailing dates, itineraries and recalling thousands of staff from furlough – just, we imagined, as the Government wanted us to do. We have worked hard to make sure our ships are safe and we were ready to relaunch our £10 billion-a-year … Read more

You can save a fortune buying braces online, but they might not give you the smile you’re after… 

A body that represents British dentists has called for a crackdown on DIY braces sold online which promise to straighten teeth in just six weeks but could, in some cases, lead to irreparable damage, including the loss of teeth. The braces being offered are known as aligners – removable moulds that fit over the teeth … Read more