Britain announces 186 more Covid-19 deaths

Britain announces 186 more coronavirus deaths as the average daily number of victims creeps up for the SECOND day in a row with official number of Covid-19 fatalities now standing at 43,414 Department of Health data shows the official daily toll is 7.5 per cent higher than the 173 recorded last Friday  The lab-confirmed death … Read more

Britain moves one step closer to finally getting home Covid-19 antibody tests

Britain today moved one step closer to finally getting a DIY Covid-19 antibody test – including one that gives results in just 10 minutes. Ministers promised Brits would be able to get pregnancy-test style blood kits to tell them whether they’ve ever had the virus back in March.  But three months down the line the … Read more

Camping holiday bookings in Britain surge in the last week

It appears the majority of Britain plans to holiday at home this summer, if the latest booking statistics are anything to go by. Inspired by the current heatwave, coronavirus lockdown easing and not fancying their chances of getting away abroad by plane, thousands have scrambled to book trips in the great outdoors this week.   Staycation … Read more

Britain could drum up enough business to create one million jobs at Dubai World Expo

UK’s futuristic presence at Dubai World Expo could creat one million post-Covid jobs, report claims By Matt Oliver For The Daily Mail Published: 16:11 BST, 25 June 2020 | Updated: 16:11 BST, 25 June 2020 Britain could drum up enough business to create one million jobs at an international trade exhibition next year, a report … Read more

All over-50s in Britain ‘could get the flu jab on the NHS this winter’

All over-50s in Britain could get the flu jab on the NHS this winter, under plans reportedly being considered by ministers to cope with a second wave of Covid-19. Government advisers have already recommended that Number 10 contemplate vaccinating the ‘entire population’ against flu in an effort to free up hospital beds. Insiders now say … Read more

Sunburn warning as Britain faces its highest EVER UV levels

Britain could reach its highest levels of UV radiation due to a lack of planes, coupled with clear blue skies and sweltering temperatures – a potent combination that increases the risk of skin cancer. Ultra-violet rays, which can also cause sunburn and cataracts, are expected to reach level 9 across parts of Devon and Cornwall … Read more

Britain swelters on hottest day of the year so far with temperatures hitting 91F

Brits have defied social distancing by flocking to beaches on the hottest day of the year so far as temperatures soared to 91F and vets warned dog owners against walking their pets in the summer heat.      The mercury sky-rocketed as people crowded together on packed beaches and at beauty spots – but thunderstorms and rain … Read more

Testing ALL of Britain for coronavirus every week ‘could prevent second lockdown’

Testing everyone for coronavirus every week could drive out the coronavirus without a second wave or another lockdown, according to scientists. Researchers led by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine said routine testing, contact tracing and household isolation could stop Covid-19 ‘quite quickly’. They said Britain should do a single-city trial of the … Read more

Britain announces 56 more Covid-19 deaths in preliminary toll

Britain today announced just 56 Covid-19 deaths as separate figures confirmed the outbreak is fizzling out after terrorizing the nation for three months, with the number of coronavirus fatalities now falling in every age group for the first time since the crisis began. Department of Health bosses have yet to confirm the final toll, which … Read more

Do Covid-19 outbreaks in meat plants prove Britain WILL face a second wave in the winter?

Cold air in slaughterhouses and meat-packing factories could be behind coronavirus outbreaks, scientists say, suggesting winter could bring a second wave of Covid-19. The entire Welsh island of Anglesey faces being quarantined after 158 staff at the 2 Sisters chicken factory tested positive for the virus, leading to the plant being closed and 560 staff … Read more