Britain is ‘on a knife edge’ in coronavirus crisis, SAGE scientist warns

The UK is ‘on a knife edge’ in its coronavirus crisis and faces a very real threat of a second surge in the winter, one of the Government’s top advisers has warned. Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of the London-based research charity the Wellcome Trust, and a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), … Read more

Torrential rain and floods on the way as weather warnings released across Britain amid 50mph winds

Britain’s heatwave has come to an abrupt end this weekend, with weather warnings for torrential downpours and heavy winds set to hit parts of the country today and tomorrow. The Met Office has issued yellow weather warnings for rain today from 6am until 3pm tomorrow in parts of Northern Ireland, Scotland and in the North … Read more

Unemployment in Britain could soar to 1980s levels with 3.8m on the dole

Unemployment in Britain could soar to 1980s levels with 3.8million on the dole due to the wreckage caused by the coronavirus lockdown. Labour has warned that ministers need to do more to support struggling businesses as both main parties try to come up with ways to rescue the economy.   Statistics from the House of Commons library … Read more

DOUGLAS MURRAY: It feels like Britain is suffering a mental breakdown

Riot police chased out of Brixton by teenage thugs. More than 20 officers injured, with two treated in hospital.  The Home Secretary describing the criminal mayhem as ‘utterly vile’. Meanwhile, lockdown parties and illegal raves erupt into violence elsewhere across the country. No wonder former Metropolitan Police commissioner Lord Blair says we need an urgent ‘public … Read more

Ravers leave parks and streets of Britain strewn with litter

Illegal ravers leave parks and streets of Britain strewn with litter as police forces vow to crack down on lockdown parties springing up across the UK Illegal raves have cropped up in cities including Manchester, London and Cardiff Residents left furious as Bruce Castle Park in Tottenham left covered in litter Police forces have vowed … Read more

Britain announces 100 more Covid-19 deaths

Britain today announced 100 more coronavirus deaths, in a record-low Saturday total that will cool fears about the latest lockdown-loosening measures.  Today’s figure is down by almost a quarter from last Saturday’s 130 deaths, and marks the lowest Saturday total since March 21, two days before lockdown, when 56 people were killed.  It means the UK’s … Read more

Britain announces 84 more Covid-19 deaths in preliminary toll

Britain today announced 84 more coronavirus deaths in the preliminary toll as the UK’s outbreak continues to peter out. The preliminary death figure is calculated by adding up coronavirus deaths across the UK in the last 24 hours, but it does not take into account fatalities in care homes in England. It means that the … Read more

Police forces up and down Britain crack down on lockdown parties and illegal raves

Police forces across Britain are cracking down on lockdown parties and illegal raves after violence erupted in London this week. A massive block party took place in West Kilburn yesterday afternoon before moving to Maida Vale where riot police with shields and truncheons battled hundreds of revellers who threw missiles at them. It marked the third … Read more

Angela Merkel says Britain will have to ‘live with the consequences’ of fewer economic ties with EU

Angela Merkel says Britain will have to ‘live with the consequences’ of Boris Johnson’s decision to loosen economic ties with the EU as German leader hardens her Brexit stance Angela Merkel has hardened her stance on a UK-EU Brexit trade deal  Ex-UK PM Theresa May was keen on keeping close ties with the European Union … Read more