Contacts of Covid-19 patients are ‘blocking’ test and trace phone number

Britons are ignoring calls from test and trace and blocking its number because they are being bombarded, a contact tracer claimed today. When someone tests positive for the coronavirus they are asked to provide a list of their contacts – family, friends and colleagues they were near for at least 15 minutes – for the … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Test & Trace reaches smallest ever proportion of at-risk contacts

England’s Test & Trace system had its busiest ever week at the end of October but reached a smaller proportion of at-risk people than at any point since it started. The contact-tracing programme, which phones, texts and emails people who have been close to someone who later tested positive for Covid-19, failed to get hold … Read more

UK may use controversial tech giant Palantir to improve test and trace system

Number 10 is reportedly in talks with Palantir about getting the controversial tech firm to help improve the bungling test and trace system. Officials have held discussions with the US data analytics company about using its software to manage sensitive contact tracing data, according to the Financial Times.  But the move is bound to spark … Read more

Covid: Dido Harding admits NHS Test and Trace needs big improvement

Dido Harding admits her under-performing NHS Test and Trace operation needs to take a ‘big leap forward’ to help the country get through the second lockdown but tells the CBI: ‘We will crack this’ Tory peer admitted the operation needed to get faster and better at using data  She found time to take part in … Read more

Test and Trace is struggling because people do not want to pick up their phone

Test and Trace is struggling because people do not want to pick up their phone to unknown numbers, government adviser says One in five positive cases and two in five close contacts were missed by tracers Dr Susan Hopkins blamed the problem on Britons not picking up their phones Test and Trace has been repeatedly … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Test and trace MUST be fixed by end of lockdown

Test and trace must be up to scratch by the time the month-long lockdown ends or the country will ‘go in circles’, experts warned yesterday. Scientists said improving the system was the ‘best way for the country to get out of this nightmare’. They have called for ‘serious concrete plans and quickly’ and to utilise … Read more

‘World-beating’ Test and Trace missed almost 25,000 positive cases

Test and Trace has continued its never-ending downward spiral as official figures today showed the bungling system is reaching fewer Covid-19 cases than when records began in May. Department of Health statistics also revealed that of those the system did reach, it is taking even longer to track down their contacts. The beleaguered system, once … Read more

The Test and Trace system is only a ‘second line of defence’ against coronavirus

Test and Trace ‘is not a cure on its own’: System only offers ‘second line of defence’ against coronavirus, senior health official warns Four in ten contacts of those tested positive for virus still not being contacted At least 113,881 people potentially exposed to virus last week were not reached  Critics say it’s because system … Read more

Ministers should divert the money spent on Test and Trace system to local health teams

Doctors have called on the Government to divert the millions of pounds spent on the private firms behind the bungling NHS Test and Trace system to local health teams instead.  The group claim ministers have overlooked the proven ability of local health teams in containing disease outbreaks, in favour of a centralised approach reliant on … Read more

Test and Trace ‘even worse than we think’: Experts say missing data means infections could be higher

Test and Trace ‘is even worse than we think’: Official figures are already dire, but experts say missing data means real situation could be more grave Scientists led by University College London say Test and Trace is ‘getting worse’  Researchers found some of the best available data was up to two weeks old, making it … Read more