Researchers identify the cleanest air on the Earth, in an area of the Southern Ocean near Antarctica

Researchers identify the cleanest air on the planet in the Southern Ocean off the coast of Antarctica, which contains no traceable aerosols or other particles produced by humans Scientists sailed to the Southern Ocean near Antarctica to measure air quality They found no aerosols, bacteria, or other particles that traced to human activity The team … Read more

Researchers find microplastics in digestive system of birds of prey for first time

Researchers reveal that birds of prey in Florida have been eating and drinking microplastics, and 86 percent comes from washing machine wastewater containing synthetic microfibers from cheap clothing Florida researchers found significant amounts of microplastics in birds of prey The research marks the first time anyone has confirmed plastics in birds of prey They analyzed … Read more

COVID-19 throat swab test robot developed by Danish researchers

Prototype robot that carries out throat swab tests for coronavirus using a disposable 3D-printed arm is developed by Danish researchers The team developed the throat swab robot to reduce demand on health workers It is able to take the sample from the throat, add it to a jar and screw on the lid The throat … Read more

Chimpanzees develop their own local cultures and customs by imitating each other, researchers reveal

Chimpanzees develop their own local cultures and customs by imitating each other, researchers reveal Scientists from the Max Planck Institute studied chimpanzee behavior in Africa They used cameras and site samples from more than 40 different locations They found many locations had their own local customs These included different methods of ‘termite fishing’ to get … Read more

Stanford researchers under investigation for ‘tipping the scale’ on antibody studies

Researchers at Stanford University are being accused of ‘tipping the scale’ on their antibody study and implying coronavirus is more widespread – but less fatal – than previously thought. Last month, their analysis found that between 2.5 and 5.2 percent of Santa Clara County residents tested positive for antibodies. That meant the number of infected … Read more

Coronavirus: Researchers warn droplets can spread up to 20ft

Current social distancing rule of 2m is ‘INSUFFICIENT’: Researchers warn coronavirus droplets can spread up to 20 feet in cold and humid weather Scientists said virus was most likely to spread in cold and humid conditions But they said 1.4 metre rule could effectively block 95 per cent of transmission Boris Johnson is preparing to … Read more

Researchers declare Hawai’i’s Pūhāhonu as the largest and hottest shield volcano on Earth

WHAT IS THE RING OF FIRE? Roughly 450 volcanoes make up this horseshoe-shaped belt with Kilauea situated in the middle. The belt follows the coasts of South America, North America, eastern Asia, Australia and New Zealand. It’s known for frequent volcanic and seismic activity caused by the colliding of crustal plates. America’s most dangerous volcanoes … Read more

Chinese researchers find live coronavirus on feces of patients who died

Chinese researchers find live coronavirus on feces of patients who died – suggesting the pathogen can be spread through human waste Chinese researchers found coronavirus genetic material on fecal samples collected from a patient from January 22 to February 7 They repeated this in 11 other patients, with some having higher loads of viral DNA … Read more

Researchers start recruiting over 10,000 volunteers for coronavirus vaccine

Thousands of volunteers are being recruited for the next two phases in clinical trials that could lead to a coronavirus vaccine this year.  Scientists are looking for 10,260 people from across Britain to take the experimental jab, developed at the University of Oxford. Experts began working on the jab in January. It is now considered … Read more

Researchers in Antarctica gather evidence of a mirror universe to our own where time runs backwards 

Researchers working in Antarctica have been trying to understand the behavior of a mysterious new particle. Some suggest it’s evidence that during the Big Bang a second universe was created that mirrors our own, consisting mainly of antimatter, and in which time flows backward. The shocking revelations came from an expedition to Antarctica during which … Read more