Coronavirus: Could HEATING protect against infection?

Turning up the temperature inside buildings could reduce the spread of the coronavirus, scientists suggested in an advice paper to the Government. Minutes from a meeting of the scientific advisory group SAGE showed that experts discussed the idea in May. They said there was ‘moderate’ evidence that the virus would be less able to survive … Read more

Flu jabs for everyone could protect NHS from second wave of Covid-19

Everyone in the UK could be offered a flu jab to avoid a surge in serious cases this winter, when there might be a second wave of the coronavirus. Scientists fear that Covid-19 could return in winter when lockdown restrictions have been eased and viral illnesses in general are more common. If that happens and … Read more

Ex-Royal Green Jacket and an SAS veteran reveal their ‘horror’ at having to protect memorials

Why we’re defending the Cenotaph: Ex-Royal Green Jacket and an SAS veteran reveal their ‘horror’ at having to protect memorials to fallen soldiers Former soldiers guarded London’s Cenotaph yesterday fearing it was a target The father of two was also among soldiers guarding the Cenotaph on Saturday    He said it was a small group of … Read more

China removes pangolin scales from list of traditional medicines to protect them from extinction

China lists pangolins as ‘critically endangered’ and removes mention of the reptile’s scales as a medical treatment from national healthcare guidelines The Chinese government is increasing protections for the endangered pangolin National healthcare previously literature listed pangolin scales as a treatment for poor circulation, swelling, and a lactation aid Scales will no longer be mentioned … Read more

Workers BOARD UP the Cenotaph and Winston Churchill’s statue to protect them

Workers last night boarded up the Cenotaph and Winston Churchill’s statue to protect them from damage ahead of another weekend of protests in the capital.  Scaffolding sprung up around Churchill’s statue at Parliament Square and the nearby Cenotaph late on Thursday evening after concerns they could yet again be targeted by Black Lives Matter activists. … Read more

Calculating the speed of solar eruptions could help protect astronauts and satellites

Knowing the speed of solar eruptions when they reach the Earth can help space weather forecasters protect astronauts and satellites, study claims. Currently forecasters focus on the size of coronal mass ejections coming from the Sun, rather than their speed, when warning of any possible impact they might have. Coronal mass ejections are caused by … Read more

Smartphone screens should be cleaned regularly to protect against coronavirus

Scientists urge people to regularly clean their smartphone screen because coronavirus-infected droplets can survive on the surface longer than on regular glass Study mapped how long droplets containing the coronavirus survive on surfaces Droplet evaporation varies depending on surface, temperature and humidity   Phone screens, cotton and wood encourage slow evaporation of the droplets  Researchers say these … Read more

How to protect yourself from scammers using the lockdown as cover

From phishing emails to the new coronavirus tracking app and ‘catfishing’: Beware scammers using the lockdown as cover 2,200 people have fallen victim to coronavirus-related scams in past two months Scammers have cheated victims out of more than £5.3m since lockdown began   ‘Phishing’ emails are prevalent, but other scams are based around a new coronavirus … Read more

Jamie Oliver-backed campaign to protect British food standards reaches nearly 750,000 signatures

Petition to protect British food standards from inferior foreign imports reaches nearly 750,000 signatures after Mail on Sunday and Jamie Oliver backed the campaign – and you can sign it here The chef is supporting The Mail on Sunday’s Save Our Family Farm campaign The petition is a plea to keep controversial US food off … Read more

Google’s parent company funds start-up to ‘edit genes to protect against heart disease’

Google‘s parent company, Alphabet, is now pouring funds into a start-up wants to gene-edit heart disease out of existence using a one-time injection.  Verve Therapeutics hopes to leverage its CEO’s discovery of a gene he believes is linked to lower heart disease risks to ‘fix’ the DNA of people at high risk of heart disease.  … Read more