BCG DOES protect against Covid-19, study confirms

Century-old BCG vaccine used to eradicate tuberculosis ‘reduces the chance of death from Covid-19’, study confirms Previous studies suggested the BCG vaccine offers protection from Covid-19  US researchers conducted a comprehensive review and found a clear link Say it is currently impossible to say if it is causative or just a correlation  But found countries with … Read more

Rishi Sunak vows to ‘protect every job possible’ in ‘mini-Budget’

Rishi Sunak’s mini-Budget at a glance A £1,000 Jobs Retention Bonus for employers who bring back furloughed workers beyond January, paid per employee, at a total cost of up to £9bn. Immediately increase stamp duty threshold from £125,000 to £500,000 until March 31. Cut VAT from 20 per cent to five per cent for hospitality … Read more

Man, 72, arrested for pushing 86-year-old out of elevator saying he did it to protect against virus

A 72-year-old man has been arrested for pushing an 86-year-old out of an elevator in their Miami Beach complex, saying he did it to protect him and his wife against COVID-19. Nachem Gross, 72, faces charges of aggravated battery of an elderly person after surveillance footage showed him shoving Gerald Steiglitz, 86, out of an … Read more

Simply stretching could protect against heart attack and stroke

New research recommends a good stretch to help protect against us heart diseases, diabetes and stroke by loosening our arteries. Just three months of passive stretching helps improve blood flow by making it easier for arteries to dilate and decreasing their stiffness, Italian scientists report. Passive stretching involves an external force, such as another person … Read more

Australia to protect swimmers against sharks with 80 drones

Australian government will deploy 80 drones to the country’s public beaches to monitor for sharks and protect swimmers from attack The Australian government will send 80 drones to 34 high-risk public beaches The drones will be able to identify sharks in the waters to protect swimmers   They’ll also be able to identify the species of … Read more

Man armed with a BAZOOKA and gunmen with assault rifles turn up to protect protesters in Florissant

A man armed with a bazooka has been pictured among gunmen with assault rifles who showed up to protect protesters in Florissant. The heavily armed men, calling themselves the People’s Protection Group, marched alongside demonstrators against the police in Missouri on Tuesday. It comes after a police detective from the town was suspended and charged with … Read more

Coronavirus: Catching colds could protect you from infection

Having endured a common cold could protect people from getting severe Covid-19, according to scientists. A study suggests the immune system’s reaction to different coronaviruses could be very similar to its reaction to the one behind the pandemic.  As a result, lasting immunity from those viruses — known to cause colds — may help the … Read more

Taking vitamin D supplements WON’T protect you from Covid-19, UK health chiefs rule

There is no evidence taking vitamin D supplements will protect people from Covid-19, according to British health officials.  NHS regulator the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) reviewed five past studies on the subject to work out if the vitamin could help. An array of research has found people deficient in the vitamin … Read more

Why I rebelled against the Tory whip to protect animal welfare – NEIL HUDSON MP 

We are a nation of animal lovers that cares deeply about animal welfare. We have brilliant farmers who produce food to the highest standards both for us and for export, contributing £9.6 billion to UK economic output in 2018. I say this with confidence, having seen it with my own eyes as the only veterinary … Read more

British universities will be told how to protect themselves from foreign interference

British universities will be told how to protect themselves from Chinese meddling after years of attracting thousands of lucrative students from China Universities UK will introduce the country’s first security guidelines of their kind Politicians fear Chinese research contributions will be used as political leverage The guidelines will  address cyber and physical security on university campuses … Read more