Sturgeon Holyrood inquiry: The six questions Nicola Sturgeon MUST answer

THE SIX QUESTIONS STURGEON MUST ANSWER:  Q: Why were meetings and conversations with Alex Salmond kept secret from the public? Miss Sturgeon met her predecessor at her home on April 2, 2018, when she claimed to first become aware of the government investigation into complaints about his conduct.  She held two further meetings, on June … Read more

The documents that could sink Sturgeon: Full details of damning legal advice

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is facing calls from Opposition MSPs to resign after her Government published legal advice relating to its botched probe into allegations of sexual harassment by Alex Salmond.  Deputy First Minister John Swinney agreed to hand over legal advice under threat of a no-confidence vote, and admitted ‘reservations were raised’ by lawyers … Read more

SNP would NOT win new Scottish independence referendum poll

Support for Scottish independence has plummeted amid the bitter row between SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon and her predecessor as First Minister Alex Salmond. The majority of people in Scotland no longer want to break away from the rest of the United Kingdom following recent infighting, a bombshell survey has revealed.  The Survation poll, carried out … Read more

Boris Johnson could tell Unionists to BOYCOTT unofficial IndyRef2

Boris Johnson could tell Unionists to BOYCOTT an unofficial second Scottish independence referendum to sink Nicola Sturgeon’s hopes of splitting from the UK UK Government has to give permission for a second independence referendum  But Nicola Sturgeon has suggested in the past she could bypass Westminster Senior Tories want Boris Johnson to order Unionists to … Read more

Alex Salmond to twist the knife again: Blow for Sturgeon as he prepares new evidence

Alex Salmond will this week launch a devastating second attack on Nicola Sturgeon – in a move which could force her to resign as First Minister. He will give evidence in private tomorrow or on Tuesday to a second inquiry, set up to establish whether Ms Sturgeon has broken the Ministerial Code. Last night, a … Read more

Senior journalist in Scotland said Alex Salmond wanted Nicola Sturgeon to resign

Now a BBC star is baffled by claims in SNP feud: Senior journalist in Scotland is forced to make clarification after she said Alex Salmond wanted Nicola Sturgeon to resign in news report Sarah Smith said Alex Salmond believed Nicola Sturgeon misled parliament   The BBC Scotland Editor said Mr Salmond thinks she has broken ministerial … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon’s official residence Bute House is dubbed a site of ‘historic racial injustice’

Nicola Sturgeon’s official residence has been dubbed a building of ‘historic racial injustice’ by a council review of controversial landmarks in Edinburgh. The home of the First Minister of Scotland was one of several buildings highlighted by the Edinburgh Slavery and Colonialism Legacy Review Group, lead by Scotland’s first black professor Sir Geoff Palmer, 80. The review – launched by … Read more

LOUIS DE BERNIÈRES on the Scottish independence debate

The debate over Scottish independence hotted up yesterday after former SNP leader Alex Salmond gave incendiary evidence to a cross-party committee at Holyrood. Salmond accused current First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and former colleagues, including Peter Murrell, Sturgeon’s husband and SNP chief executive, of engaging in ‘a deliberate, prolonged, malicious and concerted effort’ to destroy his … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon ‘could be gone within weeks’, says Scottish Tory leader

Nicola Sturgeon could resign as First Minister in a matter of ‘weeks’ over the toxic Alex Salmond debacle, the Scottish Tory leader has said. Douglas Ross believes that if Ms Sturgeon is proved to have lied to the Scottish Parliament – a breach of the ministerial code – then she should ‘absolutely’ resign. Such a shocking development … Read more

LOUIS DE BERNIÈRES on the Scottish independence debate

The debate over Scottish independence hotted up yesterday after former SNP leader Alex Salmond gave incendiary evidence to a cross-party committee at Holyrood. Salmond accused current First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and former colleagues, including Peter Murrell, Sturgeon’s husband and SNP chief executive, of engaging in ‘a deliberate, prolonged, malicious and concerted effort’ to destroy his … Read more