Bad sound and picture quality means smaller TV sets are not worth buying, say consumer experts

How big screens have trashed the tiny telly: Bad sound and picture quality means smaller sets are not worth buying as firms have given up on them, consumer experts claim Consumer experts say that TV sets measuring 32in or less are not worth buying  They say lack of demand means manufacturers have now effectively given up … Read more

Toyota Mirai popemobile means his Holiness is now using hydrogen power

His Holiness’ hydrogen car: Toyota converts $80,000 fuel-cell Mirai into a Popemobile to be used by the supreme pontiff in Japan next month Toyota has converted a Mirai hydrogen fuel cell vehicles into a popemobile It has the traditional raised platform for the Pope to stand or sit in The hydrogen car has a range … Read more

Successfully completing ten press-ups means you will live longer

My pelvis thumps against the floor for the fifth time in five minutes. I push hard against the rubber mat under my palms, willing the rest of my body to magically rise upwards. But my arms are mashed potato. ‘I… can’t… get… back up,’ I moan between strained breaths. I’m crumpled on the floor of East … Read more

Genetics: quirk means up to 2.2 per cent of people can’t smell fish and may confuse it with roses

‘A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,’ declaims the titular tragic hero in William Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’. But what if that rose were really a fish? For up to 2.2 per cent of people, the stench of fish is indistinguishable from sweet roses, caramel or nothing at all — with a … Read more

Landlord warns rule of six means a ‘long and painful’ winter for pubs

The introduction of the six-person limit on gatherings in England on Monday could lead to the pubs sector suffering a ‘long and painful’ winter, one publican told This is Money. Ed Anderson, 45, a publican with three pubs in Cheltenham and 25 years of experience in the industry, said: ‘Unlike other businesses pub’s rents are … Read more

Jennifer Garner means business as she walks to a meeting carrying stack of notebooks

Jennifer Garner means business as she walks to a meeting carrying stack of notebooks… but keeps it casual in leggings and trainers By Christine Rendon and Sarah Sotoodeh For Published: 20:41 BST, 10 September 2020 | Updated: 20:41 BST, 10 September 2020 Jennifer Garner was ready for Casual Friday on Thursday. The actress, 48, … Read more

Government U-turn means 1.5million teenagers could get marks equivalent to the old-style A/A* 

Almost one in three GCSE pupils could get top marks today following the exam U-turn fiasco. The proportion with a grade 7 or higher – the equivalent of an old A/A* – is set to rise by almost 30 per cent due to the switch to teacher assessments. This could mean 1.5million grade 7s, 8s … Read more

Lockdown easing means weddings can go ahead from TODAY

British couples who feared their wedding receptions would remain cancelled due to the pandemic have shared their relief at the government’s decision to allow the celebrations from today. Downing Street announced last night that wedding receptions for up to 30 guests will be permitted, but only in the form of a sit-down meal and in … Read more

Putin’s man in London says ‘mud-slinging’ means our relationship with Moscow is ‘close to frozen’

Vladimir Putin’s man in London has warned relations between Westminster and Moscow are ‘close to being frozen’ – with Russia in ‘no hurry’ to ease tensions. In his first major newspaper interview since his appointment last year, Mr Putin’s ambassador Andrei Kelin denied claims that his nation had interfered in British politics. Brushing off accusations … Read more

Blood test backlog means nearly 200 Commonwealth Army recruits face losing their visas

Blood test backlog means nearly 200 Commonwealth Army recruits face losing their visas and being forced out of Britain 200 recruits from India, Jamaica, St Lucia and others flew to UK in November for Army assessment tests 170 are still waiting for blood tests so can’t start training and are now jobless Many have been … Read more