Crowds of Black Lives Matter protesters march on Marble Arch

Crowds of Black Lives Matter protesters march on Marble Arch in London six weeks after death of George Floyd in the US Hundreds of Black Lives Matter protesters marched in central London today   The protest started at Marble Arch at 2pm where a speech was given  Demonstrators then made their way through the city to … Read more

Number of people dying in England and Wales drops BELOW average for the first time since March

Number of people dying in England and Wales drops BELOW average for the first time since coronavirus hit Britain in March, official statistics show By Sam Blanchard Senior Health Reporter For Mailonline Published: 09:44 BST, 30 June 2020 | Updated: 09:58 BST, 30 June 2020 The number of people dying each week in England and … Read more

Manufacturers on the march as they spearhead UK recovery

Manufacturers on the march as they spearhead most dramatic economic rebound since records began in 1988 By James Salmon for the Daily Mail Published: 23:15 BST, 23 June 2020 | Updated: 23:57 BST, 23 June 2020 The UK economy has sprung back to life after the lockdown was partially lifted and some businesses allowed to … Read more

8.7 million Americans may have been infected with coronavirus in MARCH, but 80% were never diagnosed

Millions of Americans may have contracted the novel coronavirus at the outset of the pandemic, but the majority were never diagnosed, a new study suggests. Researchers from Penn State University found that as many as 8.7 million people were infected with COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, in the US in March. However, more … Read more

Police form a ring around Winston Churchill’s statue ahead of Black Lives Matter march

Police and counter-protesters form a defensive ring around uncovered Winston Churchill statue in Parliament Square as Black Lives Matter campaigners take to London’s streets for a fourth weekend Officers are guarding Sir Winston Churchill’s statue after the plinth was defaced during a BLM demonstration An estimated 600 people have gathered in Hyde Park today before … Read more

Black Lives Matter protesters prepare to march on UK cities for fourth straight weekend

Black Lives Matter (BLM) protestors are preparing to march on cities across the UK for the fourth consecutive weekend. Police are expecting crowds of anti-racism demonstrators to march through London as well as cities including Glasgow and Birmingham. Forces have warned against violence and urged crowds to follow social distancing rules introduced at the height … Read more

England’s weekly death rate is finally back to normal for the first time since March

The number of deaths from all causes has returned to normal for the first time since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, Public Health England said.   Figures show no excess deaths in all age groups for the week to June 10 as experts say the data points to the ‘first wave’ being over without evidence … Read more

Black Lives Matter protesters march through Oxford ahead of meeting on Cecil Rhodes statue’s future

Black Lives Matter protesters have marched through the streets of Oxford today as senior college board members prepare to discuss the future of a monument to Cecil Rhodes. The ardent imperialist  and mining magnate in southern Africa is one of dozens of names appearing on a list of statues protesters want to see removed for their … Read more

A 15,000-strong crowd march for Black Lives Matter in Brighton

Angry scenes have been captured in town squares across the UK as Black Lives Matter protesters clashed with counter-demonstrators today.  More than 1,000 protesters gathered in Brighton to stand in solidarity with BLM demonstrations worldwide.  While protesters in Bristol denied they were far-right supporters while gathering at the Cenotaph with ‘All Lives Matter’ banners.  Hundreds … Read more

Britain announces just 84 more Covid-19 deaths in the lowest increase on a Friday since March 20

Britain announces 84 more Covid-19 deaths in the lowest increase on a Friday since March 20, taking the UK’s preliminary total to 41,381 Today’s preliminary figure does not include fatalities in care homes in England Means total revealed later today by Government has potential to be much higher Lowest daily rise since March 20, when there … Read more