NHS asks hospitals across England to open more intensive care beds

Hospitals across England are being told to open hundreds more intensive care beds so they can take in non-Covid patients from hotspot areas, it has emerged.  A letter sent by NHS England bosses to dozens of trusts has ordered them to open the emergency capacity by tomorrow in a bid to take pressure off the worst-hit … Read more

Covid UK: Patients in very full hospitals have 19% higher death risk

Covid-19 patients admitted to very full intensive care wards are 19% more likely to die – the equivalent of being up to 11 YEARS older Researchers from UCL have analysed data from 4,032 Covid-19 patients in ICU Those in units at over 85% capacity were 19% more likely to die But when ICU capacity was … Read more

Covid-19 patients admitted to very full hospitals are 19% more likely to die

Covid-19 patients admitted to very full intensive care wards are 19% more likely to die – the equivalent of being up to 11 YEARS older Researchers from UCL have analysed data from 4,032 Covid-19 patients in ICU Those in units at over 85% capacity were 19% more likely to die But when ICU capacity was … Read more

Coronavirus UK: NHS hospitals in London ‘are drafting in SECRETARIES to help on busy wards’

Desperate NHS hospitals are planning to draft in secretaries to help out on wards as they face a rising tide of Covid patients, internal documents reveal. There were 32,294 people in hospital with Covid-19 as of last Thursday, January 7, and wards are seeing numbers of sick patients increase across the country. Doctors and nurses, … Read more

NHS hospitals are treating less than HALF the cancer patients they usually would

NHS hospitals are treating less than HALF the cancer patients they usually would as coronavirus surge overwhelms hospitals Around 10,000 fewer non-Covid patients in hospitals compared with December Three times as many frontline health workers are off sick compared to last year More than 3,800 cancer patients have been waiting over 62 days for treatment   … Read more

Hospitals cancel home births and shut down stand-alone maternity units

Hospitals cancel home births and shut down stand-alone maternity units, but still ban mothers-to-be from having their partners at their side on the wards Since the start of the pandemic, home births have provided a solution for women This is due to hospitals banning them having partner at their side during labour But now, with virus … Read more

Younger patients prioritised in overwhelmed London hospitals as care resources are rationed

Younger patients are being prioritised in overwhelmed London hospitals as the capital rations intensive care resources, say doctors Overwhelmed doctors in the capital have started triaging their Covid patients Shortage of beds means younger patients will be prioritised with critical care The elderly will be moved to general wards under the emergency guidelines  By Eleanor … Read more

Hundreds of cancer operations are cancelled in London as hospitals are inundated with Covid patients

Hundreds of cancer operations in London are being cancelled as the city is inundated with Covid patients, according to reports.  Mayor Sadiq Khan today declared a major incident with a stark warning that the capital’s hospitals would run out of beds – as the number of people infected with coronavirus reached one person in 30 … Read more

Care workers with Covid told to stay in work as NHS tries to put patients from hospitals into homes

Care home staff have been told to go into work despite testing positive for coronavirus, an alarming new report has revealed today.   In the past fortnight inspectors have flagged more than a dozen care homes over problems with infection control. The Care Quality Commission has reportedly warned at least 14 homes about flaws, including telling … Read more

Covid UK: London NHS hospitals ‘will be overwhelmed in TWO weeks’

London‘s hospitals will be overwhelmed by Covid-19 in less than two weeks even in a ‘best’ case scenario, an official briefing reportedly warns. Medical director at NHS London Vin Diwakar provided the worrying analysis to medical directors of the capital’s hospital trusts over a Zoom call this afternoon. Even if coronavirus patients grew at the lowest likely … Read more