Coronavirus ‘is NOT out of control’ in Britain, Matt Hancock claims

The coronavirus ‘is not out of control’ in Britain, Matt Hancock has claimed amid scientists warning the Government has lost its grip on spread of the disease.  Yesterday the UK recorded its highest number of daily Covid-19 cases since May after 2,988 were reported in just 24 hours. The last time the UK’s caseload was … Read more

Back to normal by Christmas? Hancock says rapid testing is ‘best shot’ at ending social distancing

The UK could get back to normal by Christmas if the rapid coronavirus testing being trialled by the Government is successful, Matt Hancock said today. The Health Secretary, who has announced a £500million investment in a mass on-the-spot saliva testing regime, said it was the ‘best shot’ at ending social distancing. Although treatments for the … Read more

Matt Hancock back tracks on return to work saying face-to-face contact is vital

Matt Hancock has back tracked on previous advice to urge Britons to get back to their desks, saying face-to-face contact is vital for building ‘rapport’ between colleagues and a ‘natural part of getting things done’. ‘Social relations are part and parcel of an effective working relationship that you can only really build up face-to-face,’ he … Read more

Health Secretary Matt Hancock warns UK-wide restrictions could be reimposed this winter

Nationwide restrictions cannot be ruled out should England see a spike in coronavirus cases this winter, the Health Secretary has warned. Matt Hancock also hinted that restrictions may not be eased over Christmas to avoid an ‘uptick’ in the number of Covid-19 cases. Mr Hancock said countries in others parts of the world were already … Read more

Matt Hancock chairs meeting on local lockdowns

Councils in locked-down areas of Yorkshire have warned the public’s patience is ‘wearing thin’ with confusing social distancing rules. Officials in Bradford, Calderdale and Kirklees have pleaded with the Government to loosen lockdown rules for their residents amid concerns they could be extended tomorrow.   They said the advice for locals while lockdowns continued had been ‘confusing’ … Read more

Matt Hancock grilled over supply teacher coronavirus risk

Matt Hancock insists it will be up to schools to make sure UK’s tens of thousands of supply teachers do not act as coronavirus super spreaders when they switch between jobs as he says they MUST be kept socially distanced from pupils Schools in England are scheduled to reopen next week, already open in Scotland … Read more

Matt Hancock misses the ‘WFH’ memo! Health Secretary has ‘no idea’ where staff are working

Matt Hancock misses the ‘WFH’ memo! Health Secretary has ‘absolutely no idea’ where his staff are working and says he doesn’t care as long as ‘they’re effective’ – despite Boris’s ‘back to the office’ drive to save the economy Hancock said he had ‘absolutely no idea’ how many of his staff were still WFH CBI … Read more

Matt Hancock defends plan to pay people £13 a day to self-isolate 

Matt Hancock today launched a furious defence of his plan to pay people on low incomes £13 a day to self-isolate as critics said the payments would not be enough to stop people going to work.   From September 1 people who receive Universal Credit or Working Tax Credit who are required to self-isolate, who are … Read more

Matt Hancock launches ‘Operation Moon Shot’ plan to test four MILLION people every day within months

Matt Hancock is said to be planning an astonishing rise in the number of coronavirus tests carried out, with a target of four million per day to get the economy back on track. The Health Secretary is said to be preparing what has been dubbed ‘Operation Moon Shot with the aim of increasing daily tests … Read more

Matt Hancock suggests ‘no excuse’ for people not to return to their desks

Health Secretary Matt Hancock suggests there is ‘no excuse’ for people not to return to their desks – claiming ‘relatively low’ number have caught coronavirus at work Matt Hancock says UK not planning to follow France’s lead on wearing of masks Masks or face coverings to be worn in all workspaces in France from September … Read more