Half of advanced cancer patients given new drug saw their tumours stop growing or disappear

Half of advanced cancer patients given new drug saw their tumours stop growing or disappear completely as first clinical trial provides ‘encouraging’ results Researchers in the UK tested berzosertib on 40 patients with advanced tumours Despite being an early trial to evaluate safe dosage, results were ‘encouraging’ Berzosertib works by blocking the protein in cancer cells that … Read more

One third of all slavery victims forced into illegal drug trade are children, charity finds 

One third of all slavery victims forced into illegal drug trade are children, charity finds Drug gangs dressing children up as key workers to allow them to travel freely 30% of potential slavery victims reported last year were children, up from 23% The number of young people forced into all criminal activity almost doubled  By … Read more

Miracle cystic fibrosis drug which has been dubbed the ‘holy grail’ could be free on NHS next month

When Nicole Adams says ‘it’s great to be alive’, it’s impossible not to smile. From just about anyone else, it would be a pleasant, if fairly unremarkable platitude. But coming from the 28-year-old Belfast native, it is simply joyous. For it’s no exaggeration to say that, just six months ago, Nicole’s life hung in the … Read more

Brother of Qatar’s emir had ‘drug binges’, ‘ordered staff to kill’

The brother of Qatar’s emir ordered his staff to kill Americans on US soil and personally beat his chauffeur to death in Qatar, a bombshell lawsuit claims. DailyMail.com has exclusively obtained a copy of a federal civil lawsuit filed in Massachusetts on Tuesday, which paints a deeply disturbing picture of a billionaire playboy Arab royal, … Read more

Nine in 10 Americans are worried drug prices will go UP due to COVID-19 

The majority of Americans believe the costs of their insurance, drugs and health care will rise in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, a new poll reveals.  A Gallup and West Health poll found that 55 percent of Americans are ‘very concerned’ that the pharmaceutical industry will take advantage of the pandemic to hike drug … Read more

Antibody drug shows promise for treating severe COVID-19 patients

Nearly 92 percent of patients severely ill and hospitalized with coronavirus were discharged after they were treated with an antibody drug, new data reveals.   The Mayo Clinic study was small, but the improvements were considerable, and rapid. Ten out of 12 patients went from needing some form of oxygen support to discharged from the hospital within … Read more

Covid-19 treatment hope as heart failure drug will be trialled on 60 critically-ill patients

A drug designed to stop blood clots could be a life-saving treatment for Covid-19, according to scientists who are now trialling it in the UK. The British Heart Foundation has begun a study to test the effects of a medication called TRV027. It has already worked for heart failure by keeping a healthy balance between … Read more

Author recalls growing up with alcoholic dad and drug addict sister in a sink estate in the Nineties

An author has shared a candid account of growing up on a Scottish sink estate in the Nineties. Fashion journalist Lynne Coleman, who has written three books and now lives in Edinburgh, moved to an ex-council house in Auchenback, a few miles outside of Glasgow, when she was six. She told how arson, vandalism and violent … Read more

Blood cancer drug helped severely ill COVID-19 patients come off supplemental oxygen and ventilator

A blood cancer drug may help improve the conditions of severely ill coronavirus patients, a new small study suggests.  Acalabrutinib, sold under the brandname Calquence by AstraZeneca, is a medication with anti-inflammatory properties that scientists believe can control the immune system’s overreaction to the virus. The majority of patients given the drugs came off supplemental … Read more

Hydroxychloroquine does NOT treat coronavirus, biggest study into the drug finds

Hydroxychloroquine does NOT treat Covid-19: Biggest study into the Donald Trump-backed anti-malaria drug is ended with ‘immediate effect’ after researchers found it made no difference Oxford University scientists pulled the drug from the RECOVERY trial today Results showed it had no benefit on NHS patients hospitalised with the virus Scientists running the trial has urged … Read more