Donald Trump appears to gloat about riot at CNN’s Atlanta HQ as he retweets supporter’s post

President Trump on Friday retweeted a Twitter post suggesting that CNN’s headquarters in Atlanta was being damaged by rioters that the cable news giant itself encouraged as the nation is engulfed in protests over the death of a black man at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer. ‘In an ironic twist of fate, CNN … Read more

Billie Eilish calls out President Donald Trump’s critical tweets about Minneapolis protests

Billie Eilish has been exercising her free speech rights regarding the death of George Floyd, the unarmed African-American man who died after a white police officer pinned him to the ground with a knee into his neck on May 25.   And now the pop star, 18, is calling out President Donald Trump for his tweets … Read more

Donald Trump ‘terminates relationship’ with the World Health Organization

President Donald Trump announced on Friday that the United States was terminating its relationship with the World Health Organization as he laid down the gauntlet against China. ‘We will be today terminating our relationship with the World Health Organization and directing those funds to worldwide and deserving, urgent global public health needs,’ he said during … Read more

Steph McGovern claims Donald Trump tried to bully a producer during BBC Breakfast interview in 2012

TV presenter Steph McGovern claims Donald Trump tried to bully a producer during interview on BBC Breakfast in 2012 Steph McGovern, 37, revealed that Donald Trump made threats to her producer She claimed he said ‘You’ve got a good career here. You want to keep it that way’ The TV host previously said he tried … Read more

Donald Trump ‘would take hydroxychloroquine AGAIN’ and ‘feels great’

Donald Trump ‘would take hydroxychloroquine AGAIN’ and ‘feels great’ says White House press secretary despite Dr. Fauci saying evidence it is harmful is clear President Trump is feeling ‘perfect’ after a two-week regime of hydroxychloroquine, which he took as a preventative against coronavirus Trump would take it again, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Words … Read more

Donald Trump claims anti-conservative bias on social media is ‘greatest threat to free speech’

President Donald Trump lashed out at social media Thursday accusing it of anti-conservative bias which he called one of the greatest threats to free speech in American history – and said he wished he could close down Twitter. He lambasted the platform  as he signed an executive order in the Oval Office which is intended … Read more

Donald Trump promises ‘big day for fairness’ with plan to investigate social media giants

President Donald Trump promised a ‘big day for fairness’ in a tweet Thursday as he prepared to sign an order expected to open social media platforms and Google to an avalanche of lawsuits from conservatives who claim they have been censored and discriminated against. It comes after Twitter slapped two of the President’s tweets with … Read more

Donald Trump calls death of George Floyd ‘a very sad event’ and will be briefed on it on Thursday 

President Donald Trump said Wednesday he had ordered an ‘expedited’ FBI investigation into the ‘tragic’ death of George Floyd, the black Minnesota man who died in custody when a white police officer kneeled on his neck He appeared to suggest he had personally ordered the probe, which was announced by the FBI a day earlier, and … Read more

Phillip Schofield receives Ofcom complaints after saying Donald Trump is ‘still there sadly’

Phillip Schofield receives Ofcom complaints after saying Donald Trump is ‘still there sadly’ during COVID-19 segment on This Morning In an episode last week, the presenter, 58, left viewers shocked over his comment about the US President, 73 It occurred during a segment about Trump taking unproven drug hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19 This Morning has since … Read more

Donald Trump leaves the White House with Melania to watch Elon Musk’s first manned spaceflight

President Trump and first lady Melania Trump arrived at the Kennedy Space Center Wednesday to watch the historic launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and Crew Dragon capsule ferry NASA astronauts to the International Space Station.   Air Force One flew over the launch site before landing in Cape Canaveral, Florida.  The Trumps had left the White … Read more