£650m Carphone Warehouse tycoon lands bail-out for opera charity 

Few can match the Midas touch of David Ross, co-founder of Carphone Warehouse who’s amassed a personal fortune of £650 million. His talent for attracting money has not deserted him for I can disclose that Nevill Holt Opera — which Ross founded and funded at his Leicestershire estate — has just been awarded a £100,000 … Read more

The bitter jealousies between the three ex-Bullingdon boys who ran Britain

Tensions were running high between the three men sharing a cheese fondue at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2013.  United in leading the governing Tory Party and yet utterly divided by their ambition, Prime Minister David Cameron, Chancellor George Osborne and London Mayor Boris Johnson had exhibited their childlike rivalries at a … Read more

Protecting the economy is now more vital than curbing the pandemic, say nearly half of Tory voters

Protecting the economy is now more vital than curbing the pandemic, say nearly half of Tory voters A poll showed a dramatic change in public opinion to the pandemic response   In April, 15% of Tories said PM should put the economy first – now risen to 40% Results mirror fears among rebel Tory MPs who … Read more

Allegra Stratton to host daily TV press briefings from Number 10

Front-woman or fall guy? Ex-TV presenter Allegra Stratton will front No10’s new White House-style press conferences Downing Street said to have appointed Allegra Stratton as its new TV spokesman Ex-journalist Ms Stratton will host White House-style daily TV press briefings  Ms Stratton joined the Government in April this year to work for Rishi Sunak  By Jack … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Northern fury at Boris Johnson’s Tier Three lockdown

SAGE experts met today to demand Boris Johnson gets even tougher by imposing a nationwide ‘circuit breaker’ lockdown – despite the PM already facing a backlash from the North over plans to shut pubs and restaurants in hotspots. Scientists are warning that coronavirus has a ‘gun to the head’ of the country as daily cases … Read more

ZION LIGHTS, former Extinction Rebellion member, has doubts about Boris Johnson’s wind power plan

Whatever his faults, no one can accuse Boris Johnson of a lack of enthusiasm when it comes to eye-catching projects and targets.  ‘We believe that in ten years’ time, offshore wind will be powering every home in the country, with our target rising from 30 gigawatts to 40 gigawatts,’ the Prime Minister cried to the … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Can Boris Johnson actually deliver? 

Almost 40 years ago to the day, as a young journalist, I watched Margaret Thatcher make her famous ‘The lady’s not for turning’ speech at the Tory Party Conference in Brighton.  As she shot off the dais after the usual standing ovation, perspiring somewhat and in a state of high emotion, I was the first … Read more

Now Tory conference is hit by tech glitches too

Now Tory conference is hit by tech glitches too: Virtual Q&A with Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak is delayed by 50 minutes after system crashes in ‘complete shambles’ Feed went dead as Rishi Sunak addressed the virtual Tory conference yesterday  On Saturday, exhibitors were temporarily unable to log into the virtual event  Commercial exhibitors had stumped up … Read more

Rebel Tories ‘to meet today to discuss joining forces with Labour to vote down PM’s 10pm pub curfew’

Rebel Tories could join forces with Labour in a bid to put an end to Boris Johnson‘s 10pm Covid curfew, according to reports. The group, made up of dozens of Conservative MPs, reportedly want to call last orders on the unpopular pub curfew – which has resulted in numerous mass gatherings at kick-out time as … Read more

Test and Trace shambles as malfunctioning phones thwart efforts to find 40,000 missed off database

NHS coronavirus contact tracers struggled to reach tens of thousands of potentially infectious people yesterday after phone lines crashed following an IT malfunction. As workers attempted to catch up on a backlog of calls to the 16,000 infectious people missed from the database – due to an error caused by an outdated version of Microsoft’s … Read more