Biden’s campaign earns $342 million in donations since announcing Kamala Harris as veep

Joe Biden’s campaign reveals massive $34.2 million fundraising haul since unveiling Kamala Harris as his running mate Joe Biden’s campaign announced Thursday that it brought in $34.2 million in donor dollars since unveiling Sen. Kamala Harris as the vice presidential pick Biden’s digital director revealed that supporters spent $1.3 million on Biden-Harris yard signs alone  … Read more

Kamala Harris’s campaign debut with Joe Biden in Delaware

Joe Biden welcomed Kamala Harris as family to his campaign as they appeared togethr for the first time as running mates Wednesday afternoon in Wilmington, Delaware.    ‘I have no doubt that I picked the right person to join me as the next vice president of the United States,’ Biden said. ‘She’s smart, she’s tough, she’s experienced, she’s a … Read more

Donald Trump’s campaign calls Kamala Harris ‘phony’ in attack video

Former Vice President Joe Biden selected as his nominee the former rival who delivered the most cutting attack of the 2020 nominating process – a fellow member of the Senate ‘club’ who accused him of working on segregationists and opposing school bussing. It was a dramatic moment it did not take the Trump campaign long … Read more

Curtis Pritchard insists claims he cheated on Maura Higgins with Amber Pierson are a smear campaign

Curtis Pritchard did not cheat on Maura Higgins with Amber Pierson who he was recently spotted sharing a kiss with, a friend of the former couple has said. The Love Islander, 24, was pictured putting on a cosy display with dancer Amber, 21, with a source close to Maura saying the couple’s outing was ‘a … Read more

President attacks GOP mega-donor Sheldon Adelson for not spending more on his campaign

Donald Trump could have jeopardized one of the biggest cash injections for his campaign after he attacked GOP mega-donor Sheldon Adelson for not spending more, despite the Vegas mogul pledging at least $100 million to help his reelection.  The president blasted one of his biggest benefactors over the weight of his campaign donations in a heated phone … Read more

Jeremy Corbyn accuses Labour party officials of ‘sabotaging’ his 2017 election campaign

Jeremy Corbyn accuses Labour party officials of ‘sabotaging’ his 2017 election campaign by diverting funds away from ‘winnable’ target seats Former leader and aides accused party staff of trying to sabotage 2017 election Officials ‘were uncooperative and refused to give resources to winnable seats’  Accusations denounced as ‘a mythical “stab in the back” conspiracy theory’ … Read more

Thirty million pieces of vital PPE kit sent to frontline staff in the Mail Force campaign

The Mail Force charity is today celebrating two truly outstanding achievements. Thanks to our generous readers and supporters, donations have hit an astonishing £11million – and it has now provided more than 30million pieces of personal protective equipment to the nation. The landmarks were reached just 100 days after its first delivery to the coronavirus … Read more

‘Trump wants the election to be on November 3rd’ President’s campaign adviser claims

Donald Trump’s senior campaign adviser insisted Sunday morning that the president wants to hold the elections on the typical date of November 3, even though he suggested last week that they be postponed. ‘The election is going to be on November 3rd and President Trump wants the election to be on November 3rd,’ Jason Miller … Read more

Russia prepares for mass coronavirus vaccination campaign in October

Russia prepares for mass coronavirus vaccination campaign in OCTOBER after clinical trials with teachers and doctors first in line Health Minister Mikhail Murashko outlined his plan for wider vaccines in October State research facility Gamaleya Institute has completed trials for the vaccine Some experts are concerned at how quickly Russia is planning to distribute it  … Read more

Kanye West hired top political advisers and is working with organizations to beef up campaign team

Kanye West is expanding his campaign team in a bid to get on the ballot in more states, after he recently filed paperwork for New Jersey, Missouri, Oklahoma and his home of Illinois. Despite his disastrous rally in South Carolina earlier this month, and after missing deadlines in some states, West is pushing ahead to … Read more