Maps reveal 84 MILLION Americans are living in areas hit by drought

As some 60 million Americans on the east coast prepare for the worst nor’easter in a decade, nearly 84 million across the US are experiencing some level of drought. The west and southwest areas were hit with a drought this past spring that continued and intensified through the summer, fall and now into the winter … Read more

PM is told NO areas should be dropped from Three to Two in new review

NHS leaders yesterday warned Boris Johnson not to move anywhere down a tier as Covid-19 infection rates continue to climb across the country. They urged the Prime Minister to exercise ‘extreme caution’ and predicted that relaxing restrictions could trigger a third wave of the virus. Most areas are expected to remain in their current tiers … Read more

Rising number of Covid-19 cases are set to dash hopes of locked down areas being given more freedom

Hopes that some regions might be moved out of the highest coronavirus tiers ahead of Christmas look set to be dashed today. The overwhelming majority of areas are expected to remain in their current level of restrictions when the results of the first review are announced. Despite hopes that some places such as Leeds and … Read more

Ministers ‘will split’ rural areas from urban hotspots in tier review

Ministers ‘will split’ low-infection rural areas from nearby urban hotspots in tier review tomorrow to avoid massive Tory revolt as Sadiq Khan warns moving London into tier 3 will be ‘catastrophic for our businesses’ The Government will carry out its first formal review of the tier system tomorrow Ministers have raised prospect of ‘decoupling’ rural … Read more

Private jets, huge mansions, and fluffy dogs… excess all areas with The Real Housewives Of Jersey

First, pick an exclusive area known as a playground for the rich and famous. Next, add a group of friends, all wealthy and impossibly glamorous women with fabulous homes. Finally, point a camera at them and let the tears, tantrums and fallouts commence. That’s been the formula for the Real Housewives reality TV series, which … Read more

Hopes rural areas will be ‘decoupled’ from neighbouring Covid hotspots dashed by Matt Hancock

Hopes that rural areas will be ‘decoupled’ from neighbouring Covid hotspots in high tiers are dashed as Matt Hancock warns move would trigger infections spike Local MPs had hoped they would be ‘decoupled’ from neighbouring hotspots  However, Matt Hancock has warned move could lead to rural areas ‘catching up’  Review of tiers to take place … Read more

Covid UK: Countryside rents up as people flee cities for rural areas

Rental prices in the countryside are continuing to surge as more city-dwellers flee to rural areas across the UK amid the coronavirus pandemic. In a survey carried out by Zoopla, the real estate company found that interest for rental properties in Mole Valley in Surrey had increased by 74 per cent while Elmbridge, also in … Read more

Wales FINALLY ends travel ban to Tier 1 and 2 areas in England

Wales FINALLY ends travel ban to England: Non-essential travel will be allowed to Tier 1 and Tier 2 areas from tomorrow night despite Cardiff imposing fresh lockdown curbs By James Tapsfield, Political Editor For Mailonline Published: 11:56 GMT, 3 December 2020 | Updated: 11:56 GMT, 3 December 2020 Wales is finally ending its blanket ban … Read more

Matt Hancock hints again that low-infection areas WILL be downgraded in two weeks

Matt Hancock today delivered another hint that low-infection areas will see lockdown downgraded by December 16 as the government reels from a huge Tory revolt. The new tiers system for England came into force at midnight after the Commons approved it by 291 to 78 – but the healthy majority masked a disaster for Boris … Read more

Ethnic minorities could be prioritised for Covid-19 tests in Tier Three areas

Ethnic minorities could be prioritised for coronavirus tests as part of Number 10’s plans to move hotspot areas out of Tier 3 restrictions through regular swabbing. Under the new scheme – which starts when the national lockdown ends – councils will be entitled to target specific groups for regular, asymptomatic testing.  People may be selected … Read more