Dr Fauci says it’s ‘possible’ CDC will recommend that Americans wear TWO masks

The nation’s top infectious disease expert says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may recommend wearing two masks. Dr Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has endorsed the use of two masks, also known as double-making, in the past – particularly a cloth mask and then … Read more

Scottish woman who worked in the US shares Americans’ most confusing customs

A Scottish woman who spent four months living in the US is sharing her questions and complains about what Americans do differently. In a viral TikTok video that has been viewed 3.9 million times, Kirsty Clyne quizzes Americans about why they say ‘gas’ instead of ‘petrol,’ why they don’t use kettles, and why they’re so proud … Read more

US military spies paid for Americans’ cell phone data without warrant

American military spies have been buying US citizens’ location data collected by smartphone apps without a warrant, according to a recently unclassified memo. Analysts for the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon-run department that specializes in military intelligence, made the revelation in a memo written to Senator Ron Wyden, the Democrat from Oregon. According to the … Read more

10 out of 4 million Americans to get Moderna’s vaccine suffered anaphylaxis

Only 10 out of 4 million Americans who Moderna’s COVID-19 suffered life-threatening anaphylactic allergic reactions to the shot, CDC reveals CDC  investigated 1,266 reports of ‘adverse events’ after Moderna vaccinations 47 were ruled allergic reactions and just 10 were deemed  anaphylaxis  All 10 people recovered and only one had no history of allergies  Health officials warn … Read more

More than 4,400 Americans die from COVID-19 on the same day President Biden is sworn in

The United States recorded its second deadliest day of the coronavirus pandemic on Wednesday with 4,229 American fatalities.  It marks the third time that the daily death toll has surpassed 4,000 and is second only to January 12 on which 4,327 deaths were recorded, according to a DailyMail.com analysis of data from Johns Hopkins University.   … Read more

146 Americans have UK ‘super-covid’ as cases DOUBLE in Florida and variant strikes 60 countries

Florida has become America’s new ‘super-COVID’ hotspot, leading the country in known cases. At least 46 cases of the highly contagious variant first identified in the UK have been found in the Sunshine State, more than double the initial figure of 22. The new strain, B 1.1.7., is feared to be up to 70 percent … Read more

Americans who live in mostly black or Hispanic neighborhoods more likely to die of COVID-19

Americans who live mainly black and Hispanic neighborhoods have higher coronavirus infection and death rates compared to those living in majority white neighborhoods, a new study suggests. Researchers found that U.S. counties with just one-fifth of a black population had a 2.4 times lower risk of contracting COVID-19 percent and a two times risk of … Read more

Lady Gaga prays at Capitol for ‘a day of peace for all Americans’ before Biden-Harris inauguration

Lady Gaga prays at the Capitol for ‘a day of peace for all Americans’ ahead of Biden-Harris inauguration where she’ll sing the national anthem By Tracy Wright For Dailymail.com Published: 22:49 GMT, 19 January 2021 | Updated: 22:49 GMT, 19 January 2021 She’s set to sing the Star-Spangled Banner on Wednesday in Washington, D.C.  And Lady … Read more

Only 14M Americans have gotten COVID jabs

Only a little over 14 million Americans have been vaccinated against COVID-19 as of Monday morning, data reveal.   Already, vaccination centers are over-booked with Americans desperate to get vaccinated. Many are on the verge of running out of doses to give; some are already out. New York and Michigan have each asked the federal government’s … Read more

NASA scraps test for most powerful EVER rocket that will take Americans back to the moon

A scheduled test of NASA‘s Space Launch System rocket on Saturday quickly went off the rails, casting doubt on the next steps of sending Americans to space and the moon. The Space Launch System is designed to be the most powerful rocket ever, with four RS-25 rocket engines and two external boosters built by Northrop … Read more