Coronavirus: Government adviser says country should be shut around EVERY school holiday

A series of coronavirus ‘circuit breakers’ should be pencilled in around the school holidays, a senior Government official said last night. Three weeks ago the Sage group of scientists advising ministers recommended a short lockdown to halt the rise in Covid-19 cases, which the Government chose not to follow. But yesterday the senior government adviser … Read more

Government science adviser says third coronavirus wave ‘entirely possible’

Covid THIRD wave ‘entirely possible’: Government science adviser warns it’s ‘doubtful’ a vaccine will be ready for mass roll-out in six months and says UK should brace for another surge in infections next year Professor Mark Woolhouse sits on one of Government’s expert Covid-19 panels He said it is ‘doubtful’ a vaccine will be ready … Read more

Boris Johnson ‘wants Rishi Sunak’s top adviser to host No10 TV briefings’

Ex-TV presenter Allegra Stratton ‘lined up for No10 job’: Mother-of-two who went back to work six weeks after giving birth ‘is Boris Johnson’s preferred choice’ to front White House-style daily press briefings after overseeing rise of ‘Dishy Rishi’ Sunak Downing Street is planning to launch daily televised press briefings in October Boris Johnson reportedly wants … Read more

Adviser linked to exams fiasco given key role in controversial new planning changes

Adviser linked to exams fiasco is given a key role in new planning changes that critics fear could see developers ‘concreting’ the countryside Tim Leunig joins team working on biggest changes to building laws in 70 years  Dr Leunig was on government group that advised how to standardise grades Standardisation led to the downgrading of … Read more

Donald Trump unveils new medical adviser who wants schools opened

President Donald Trump signaled a new shift in his public health posture to the coronavirus pandemic Monday at the White House when he announced the presence of Dr. Scott Atlas – who has warned of the costs of school closings.  It was just one of multiple areas where Trump made news or veered into murky … Read more

Liam Plunkett: I gave £50,000 to a financial adviser and he vanished

The cricketer Liam Plunkett has already started saving up for his children’s education – even though he and his wife haven’t had any kids yet.  Plunkett, 35, who helped England win the 2019 World Cup, also reveals his biggest money mistake was trusting a financial adviser with £50,000 – the adviser later vanished and Plunkett … Read more

‘Trump wants the election to be on November 3rd’ President’s campaign adviser claims

Donald Trump’s senior campaign adviser insisted Sunday morning that the president wants to hold the elections on the typical date of November 3, even though he suggested last week that they be postponed. ‘The election is going to be on November 3rd and President Trump wants the election to be on November 3rd,’ Jason Miller … Read more

Oliver Stone slams Hollywood and says you need a ‘sensitivity counselor’ or ‘Covid adviser’ now

Movie director Oliver Stone has criticized modern Hollywood for being too politically correct, and has doubled down on his claim that JFK was killed by powerful government forces as he revealed he’s working on a documentary about the president’s assassination that he may bypass the studios to release on YouTube. Stone, 73, who won Academy … Read more

The Queen should pose in face masks to help encourage public to wear them, government adviser says

The Queen and Sir David Attenborough should pose in face masks to help encourage public to wear them, government adviser says The Queen and Sir David Attenborough, both 94, could be asked to set example A government adviser suggested national treasures wear masks to promote use   Both have been isolating, with Sir Attenborough filming voice … Read more