One-in-four UK firms warn of layoffs when furlough scheme is scaled back in August 

One in four companies say they will be not be able to pay a fifth or more of full-time workers’ salaries between August and October and would have to lay off employees, a poll has found. Research by the Institute of Directors revealed today shows that firms are worried about being able to keep staff … Read more

UK’s test, trace and isolate scheme will only cut infections by 5%, scientists warn

The Government’s contact tracing programme will only bring down infections by a mere 5 per cent, according to Royal Society scientists. World-leading experts from the prestigious scientific academy warned the scheme was ‘not a silver bullet’ and will only have a ‘modest’ effect on the UK’s crisis. The scientists said that testing times were still … Read more

Coronavirus: Researchers warn droplets can spread up to 20ft

Current social distancing rule of 2m is ‘INSUFFICIENT’: Researchers warn coronavirus droplets can spread up to 20 feet in cold and humid weather Scientists said virus was most likely to spread in cold and humid conditions But they said 1.4 metre rule could effectively block 95 per cent of transmission Boris Johnson is preparing to … Read more

Italian galley introduces tags to warn visitors if they get too close to others

Italian gallery introduces tags to keep visitors 1.5 metres apart by vibrating and lighting up if they get too close Accademia Carrara Museum in Bergamo is issuing visitors with an electronic tag The Fidelitas Distance will ensure that visitors remain at least 1.5 metres away  It comes after the establishment reopened its doors to the … Read more

County Durham two-bed home costs £175 monthly rent but locals warn ‘you get what you pay for’

Britain’s cheapest house? ‘Spacious’ two-bed terraced home in County Durham costs just £175 a month to rent but locals warn ‘you get what you pay for’ 41 Fifth Street in the former mining village Horden is just £175 to rent a month But locals have warned many houses in the area have ‘gone to rack … Read more

Hardline councils that refuse to reopen primary schools risk causing ‘lifelong damage’ warn experts 

Hardline local authorities with under-performing primary schools are among those refusing to reopen next week, as experts warn it may cause ‘lifelong damage’ to poor pupils 23 local education authorities in England opposed to June 1 school re-openings This includes deprived areas such as Manchester, Hartlepool and Knowsley   Lee Elliot Major warned that each week away … Read more

NHS leaders warn time is running out to establish track and trace strategy

NHS chiefs today warned ‘time is running out’ for the Government to launch its testing and tracing system to avoid a second deadly wave of coronavirus as it was revealed the rollout of the crucial smartphone app has been delayed for weeks. Boris Johnson has set a ten-day target to deliver the system that could … Read more

Scientists warn public away from buying Superdrug’s £70 coronavirus antibody tests

Scientists have warned the public away from buying Superdrug’s coronavirus testing kits while doubts linger over their reliability and usefulness. The accuracy of these antibody tests remains foggy, as does whether a positive result means a person is then immune to the disease. The drugs store yesterday became the first to sell the tests which … Read more

European countries warn they will not open to British holidaymakers if UK imposes 14-day quarantine

European nations have offered to open their borders to British holidaymakers this summer – but only if the UK drops its 14-day coronavirus quarantine. Popular tourist destinations like Spain, Italy and Greece have said that they would be willing to allow UK visitors in to help their under-threat tourism industries. But they insisted that any … Read more

Climate change could spark a devastating ‘dust bowl’ in the US, researchers warn

The US is twice as likely to face a ‘dust bowl’ more devastating than what occurred during the Great Depression. The stark warning comes from a study that used hundreds of climate simulations combined data from 1936 and present day greenhouse gases levels. The results showed that if global temperatures rise more than 3.6 degrees … Read more