Police issue CCTV footage of men hurling punches and throwing victims to the ground

Police issue CCTV footage of men hurling punches and throwing victims to the ground in vicious ‘wild west’ style bar brawl Mass brawl erupted inside Shooters Sports Bar in Birmingham last December 7  West Midlands Police released footage this week as part of their investigation  Punches are thrown before one man crashes to the ground … Read more

DR MAX THE MIND DOCTOR: Help the forgotten victims of mental illness NOW – before it’s too late 

A colleague told me the other day that more people are currently being treated for the consequences of attempted suicide than for Covid-19 at his hospital.  The sad thing is, I didn’t find this particularly shocking. Just two weeks after lockdown, on March 23, I expressed my fears in this column that mental health patients … Read more

Families of Spain’s coronavirus victims gather for mass funeral service in Seville

Families of Spain‘s coronavirus victims attended a mass funeral service at Seville Cathedral in one of the largest social gatherings since lockdown.  More than 500 people wore face masks and sat in chairs separated by two meters – instead of pews – on Thursday as they paid tribute to family members who had died from … Read more

Thousands of fraud victims complained to the Financial Ombudsman last year

Thousands of fraud victims still had to complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service last year to try and get their money back from banks, despite the introduction of a new anti-fraud code last May which said they ‘should’ be refunded. The Ombudsman said it received nearly 11,000 complaints from people who fell victim to banking … Read more

UK announces 215 more Covid-19 deaths, taking the number of victims to 38,376

The UK today announced 215 more Covid-19 deaths, taking the official number of coronavirus victims to 38,376 – but it is the lowest Saturday total since lockdown began. Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden announced the figure today at Downing Street’s daily press conference, where he also revealed 2,445 more people had tested positive for the virus. A … Read more

Britain announces 183 more Covid-19 deaths, taking official number of victims to 38,344

Britain today announced 183 more Covid-19 deaths, taking the official number of coronavirus victims to 38,344 – but it is the lowest Saturday total since before lockdown. Department of Health officials have yet to confirm the final tally, which will be significantly higher because it takes into account fatalities in all settings. The preliminary toll is counted … Read more

Trump announces three days of mourning for coronavirus victims and will lower flags to half-staff

Flags on federal buildings and national monuments to be lowered to half-staff as Trump announces three days of mourning for the victims of coronavirus President Trump has ordered flags to be lowered over Memorial Day weekend to honor coronavirus victims  The move comes after Democratic leaders sent a letter to the president asking him to … Read more

Prince Charles throws his support behind a virtual book of remembrance for Covid-19 victims

The Prince of Wales is spearheading a ‘virtual memorial’ for those whose lives have been tragically taken by the ‘agonisingly painful’ Covid-19 pandemic. Remember Me, is an online book of remembrance started by St Paul’s Cathedral, in London, but open to mark the loss of loved ones of all faiths and creeds. In a video … Read more

Banks still failing to help victims of financial scams

Stop blaming the victims of fraud! Banks still failing to help many who lose money in financial scams Some fraudsters are seeking to cash in on the coronavirus crisis Report by payments regulator reveals banks are still too quick to dismiss victims Only £4 in every £10 lost to so-called push payment scams refunded last year  … Read more