Joanna Cherry sacked from SNP frontbench after trans rights row

Joanna Cherry, a prominent SNP MP, has been sacked from the party’s frontbench in Westminster. Ms Cherry, widely tipped as a future SNP leadership challenger to Nicola Sturgeon and an ally of previous leader Alex Salmond, said she had been removed from her role despite ‘hard work, results & a strong reputation’. The QC, who … Read more

Tories accuse Nicola Sturgeon of vaccine ‘showboating’

Tories accuse Nicola Sturgeon of vaccine ‘showboating’ to ‘curry favour’ with the EU to boost chances of an independent Scotland rejoining the bloc after she pledges to publish details of UK vaccine supply in boost for Brussels Nicola Sturgeon has been accused of taking the EU’s side in bitter vaccine row She vowed to publish … Read more

Boris Johnson defies Nicola Sturgeon to visit Scotland in RAF jet

Boris Johnson defended his decision to visit Scotland during lockdown today as he defied nationalist demands for a new independence referendum. The Prime Minister said he travelled ‘in my capacity as Prime Minister of the whole country’ after visiting Glasgow to highlight the UK-wide fight against coronavirus. His comments came after it was revealed separatists … Read more

SNP questions whether Boris Johnson trip to Scotland ‘essential’

Could Nicola Sturgeon try to BAN Boris Johnson from going to Scotland? SNP questions whether PM’s trip north of the border is ‘essential’ Prime Minister Boris Johnson expected to make a trip to Scotland later this week Mr Johnson is expected to use the official visit to stress the benefits of the Union But SNP … Read more

SNP MPs blast Boris Johnson’s planned trip to Scotland

Could Nicola Sturgeon try to BAN Boris Johnson from going to Scotland? SNP questions whether PM’s trip north of the border is ‘essential’ Prime Minister Boris Johnson expected to make a trip to Scotland later this week Mr Johnson is expected to use the official visit to stress the benefits of the Union But SNP … Read more

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: A failed state? How about Scotland under Wee Burney?

Boris Johnson is reportedly flying to Scotland this week ‘to save the Union’. Why? It’s not as if he hasn’t anything better to do, apart from the small matters of dealing with a global pandemic and the economy going to hell in a handcart. Yet the Prime Minister is about to drop everything to race … Read more

Matt Hancock infuriates SNP by using Covid press conference to take dig at independence referendum

Matt Hancock infuriates SNP by using Covid press conference to take dig at Nicola Sturgeon’s rogue referendum – saying Scottish Ambulance Service needed bailing out at the weekend proving the UK is ‘stronger together’ Matt Hancock made comments at the Downing Street Covid press conference He said other nations had ‘stepped forward’ to help Scottish … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon brands Boris Johnson a COWARD amid referendum threat

Nicola Sturgeon branded Boris Johnson a coward today as she threatened to hold a fresh independence referendum without his permission – but faced a brutal backlash for pushing her separatist agenda during the coronavirus crisis. The First Minister goaded that the PM ‘fears the verdict and the will of the Scottish people’ as she quoted … Read more

SNP tells Boris Johnson he’ll need to take LEGAL action if he wants to stop second independence vote

SNP vows to UNILATERALLY hold a second Scottish independence referendum if Sturgeon wins May election – and challenges Boris to take legal action to stop it  Mike Russell will present 11-point document to the SNP’s policy forum on Sunday ‘Legal referendum’ will be held if a pro-independence majority is voted in in May UK Government … Read more

Alex Salmond Inquiry orders key evidence from SNP officials are released in unprecedented move

Alex Salmond Inquiry orders key evidence including WhatsApp messages from SNP officials are released in unprecedented move Linda Fabiani wrote to former first minister after he refused to come to Holyrood He was needed to speak on February 2 but citing health concerns over Covid-19 It comes as MSPs issued notice to Crown Office calling … Read more