NASA will ignite its $18.6BILLION Space Launch System ‘megarocket’ TODAY

NASA is set to ignite the engines of its $18.6 billion Space Launch System rocket later today in an eight minute test designed to confirm it is ready for launch. This would be the second hot fire test of the massive engines, and the final fire test before the second stage is moved to the launchpad … Read more

NASA shares audio clip of Perseverance’s wheels ‘banging and pinging’ in the Mars dirt

Sounds of Perseverance driving on Mars: NASA releases audio clip of the rover’s six wheels ‘banging and pinging’ in the Martian dirt as it encounters a dust devil NASA released the first audio clip of Perseverance driving on Mars The raw audio is 16 minutes long and plays bangs, pings and rattles of its wheels … Read more

NASA working on ‘nearly indestructible’ titanium tires for bicycles on Earth

NASA has sent rovers to Mars and the moon with ‘nearly indestructible’ titanium tires and these space-age wheels will soon be traveling around Earth.   The SMART Tire Company is working with scientists at the American space agency to adapt its ‘smart memory alloy’ (SMA) tire technology for bicycles. This design, according to the firm, means … Read more

‘Nearly indestructible’ titanium tires designed by NASA are being developed for bicycles on Earth 

NASA has sent rovers to Mars and the moon with ‘nearly indestructible’ titanium tires and these space-age wheels will soon be traveling around Earth.   The SMART Tire Company is working with scientists at the American space agency to adapt its ‘smart memory alloy’ (SMA) tire technology for bicycles. This design, according to the firm, means … Read more

Jupiter’s UV auroras are generated by charged particles from its volcanic moon Io, NASA reveals

A spectacular and dramatic ultraviolet auroras on Jupiter is generated by charged particles escaping its volcanic moon Io, according to a new NASA study. The origins of the bright blue circular aurora were revealed by the NASA Juno spacecraft, which is currently studying the gas giant from orbit. The Jovian polar light show, also known as the … Read more

Mars’ ‘missing’ water could be lurking in the Martian crust, study reveals

How important is the presence of liquid water? It is now widely believed that Mars holds a reasonably large volume of water. However, the surface of the planet is so cold, this water exists only as ice. In order for life to exist on a planet, many scientists believe it is essential for the world … Read more

Missions to Mars could affect astronauts’ MINDS and make them mistake happy faces for anger

Travelling to Mars could affect the mind of the astronauts making the long journey – leaving them more likely to misidentify facial expressions, study warns. Current NASA plans could see the first humans step foot on the surface of the Red Planet by the end of the next decade as part of the Artemis mission. … Read more

Moon mortgage guide reveals residents could pay $32,067 a MONTH for homes on the lunar surface

NASA is gearing up to send the first woman and next man to the moon that could pave the way for humans to eventually colonize Earth’s natural satellite, but a new study suggests setting up real estate will be a costly feat. Experts at Money, a credit broker for consumer credit products, released the first-ever … Read more

International Space Station releases 2.9-TON pallet of batteries into orbit that ‘should burn up’

International Space Station releases 2.9-TON pallet of batteries into orbit that NASA says should burn up ‘harmlessly’ in the atmosphere in two to four years The International Space Station has discarded its largest piece of space junk NASA controlled a robotic arm to discard a 2.9-ton pallet of batteries into space The batteries were degraded … Read more

NASA’s Hubble space telescope finds exoplanet that made a new atmosphere via volcanic activity

A small gas exoplanet may have lost its atmosphere billions of years ago, but then gained a second one through volcanic activity, according to astronomers.  The planet, GJ 1132 b, is thought to have begun as a gaseous world, similar to Jupiter or Saturn but smaller than Neptune, with a thick hydrogen blanket of atmosphere.  … Read more