Fury at the EU summit as leaders discuss Europe’s possible £680 billion Covid rescue fund

Fury at the EU summit: Emmanuel Macron ‘slammed the table, lashed out at Austria’s chancellor and compared the Dutch PM to David Cameron’ as Angela Merkel stormed out in frustration at a meeting over Europe’s possible £680 billion Covid rescue fund  Tensions are said to be running high as European leaders meet for EU summit … Read more

EU leaders will meet again today to try to save €1.9trillion budget and coronavirus recovery fund

European leaders are preparing to battle ‘very very large’ disagreements this morning as they try to save a €1.9trillion EU budget, according to German Chancellor Angela Merkel.  The marathon of talks will continue from 11am today after the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte dug his heels in on Friday over a plan to help struggling … Read more

Budapest’s amazing Memento Park is full of statues of Communist leaders from Lenin to Che Guevara 

They didn’t chuck communist-era statues in the river in most former Soviet countries after the Iron Curtain fell.  Instead, they stuck them in museums and charged tourists to view them. Memento Park — officially named A Sentence About Tyranny Park — on the outskirts of Hungarian capital Budapest — is one of the best known. … Read more

Countries with male leaders have had 4.3 TIMES more Covid-19 deaths

Countries with female leaders have fared significantly better during the coronavirus pandemic than nations led by men, research suggests. An international team of experts led by Trinity College Dublin analysed outbreaks in 35 countries, 10 of which were run by women. Among them were Germany, New Zealand, Denmark and Finland – four nations which have been … Read more

Chinese fixer targets five leaders: New evidence of China’s infiltration of British Establishment

A leading figure in a Chinese group allegedly created to groom foreign elites has been pictured with five British prime ministers. Photographs uncovered by the Daily Mail show how Zhirong Hu has moved among the British Establishment. He has met Boris Johnson, Theresa May, David Cameron, Gordon Brown and Tony Blair. Mr Hu is a … Read more

Facebook boycott leaders slam Mark Zuckerberg after ‘disappointing’ meeting

Organizers of a Facebook boycott campaign that has the support of thousands of major advertisers have slammed Mark Zuckerberg for doing ‘just about nothing’ to remove hate speech from the site. Leaders of the #StopHateForProfit campaign lashed out after a ‘disappointing’ meeting with the social media CEO and other top brass which they said showed … Read more

Cruise industry leaders confirm the days of the traditional buffet are over

Major cruise line companies are ditching self-service buffets while on-board entertainment could also be cut as part of a raft of changes to trips in the wake of the coronavirus crisis. Guests and crew may also have to be tested for the virus in some cases, or at least pass through infrared controls so their … Read more

How civil rights leaders began the Facebook ad boycott

On June 17, Color Of Change along with the NAACP, ADL, Sleeping Giants, Free Press, and Common Sense Media authored an open letter asking corporations to cease advertising on Facebook for the month of July. These are the key figures behind those organizations: Rashad Robinson – Color of Change President Founded in the wake of … Read more

Leaders of councils threatened by Leicester-style lockdowns reject the idea

Council leaders in areas threatened by Leicester-style lockdowns have rejected the idea – while claiming figures released by the Government detailing the highest coronavirus infection rates are out-of-date. Bradford, Barnsley and Rochdale were identified as three of the areas of England most at risk of being hit by a ‘local lockdown’ like the one imposed … Read more

Trump talks to Queen Elizabeth after leak revealed his ‘delusional’ calls with world leaders

President Donald Trump and Queen Elizabeth II spoke on Tuesday, a conversation that took place amid a report that the president held ‘demeaning’ phone calls with female world leaders. The report from CNN described how Trump treated the powerful women, calling Theresa May ‘weak’ and telling Angela Merkel she was ‘stupid.’  But Trump is fond … Read more