Royal Marines unveil new kit – and they’ll wear White Ensign flag on their sleeve for the first time

Royal Marines makeover: Elite commandos unveil new kit – and for the first time in their 350-year history, they’ll wear White Ensign flag on their sleeve to show they’re part of Navy, not Army The Royal Marines will be given a brand new and modern uniform this autumn   The uniform is more resistant and breathable … Read more

Is the Union Flag on Boris’ plane upside down?

Critics have claimed the £900,000 red, white and blue paint job on the Prime Minister’s RAF Voyager plane has been bungled. Enthusiasts said they thought the Union Flag on its tailfin had been done upside down as Boris Johnson‘s official aircraft took off from Cambridgeshire yesterday. Social media users were quick to vent their anger … Read more

Kent police raise ‘Gipsy and Roma Traveller’ flag ‘to show their support to diverse community’

Kent police raise ‘Gipsy and Roma Traveller’ flag ‘to show their continued support for diverse communities’ Officer and staff flew flag to recognise Gipsy contribution to police force But picture post backfired badly with over a thousand complaints online Some branded it a joke while one questioned when it was ‘crime-fighting day’  Gipsy Roma Traveller … Read more

Mississippi faces reckoning on Confederate emblem in flag

Protesters have reignited calls for the Confederate battle emblem in the Mississippi state flag to be removed.  Anti-racism protests have toppled Confederate statues and monuments across the U.S. after the death of George Floyd, and NASCAR has banned the display of the rebel flag.  But Mississippi has been a holdout for years in displaying the … Read more

NASCAR officially BANS the Confederate flag from its stadium

NASCAR has officially banned the Confederate flag from its races and properties just a day after its only black driver, Bubba Wallace, demanded it be removed.  On Wednesday, NASCAR officials said in a statement that the Confederate flag ‘runs contrary to our commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all fans, our competitors … Read more

Banksy shares picture of candle burning US flag

Banksy BURNS the US flag: Artist shares picture of candle setting stars and stripes ablaze and says ‘people of colour are being failed’ It is the second week of protests sparked by the killing of George Floyd in the US The graffiti artist shared a painting of a vigil candle burning an American flag He … Read more

Red flag raised over Jigsaw accounts after we reveal boardroom exodus

Red flag raised over Jigsaw accounts after we revealed mass boardroom exodus at fashion retailer where the Duchess of Cambridge used to work By Ruth Sunderland and Matt Oliver For The Daily Mail Published: 21:50 BST, 21 May 2020 | Updated: 21:50 BST, 21 May 2020 The accounts of fashion chain Jigsaw’s owner have been … Read more

Donald Trump unveils Space Force flag and claims U.S. is working on a ‘super duper missile’

President Donald Trump touted a ‘super duper’ missile as he staged a ‘very special moment’ and unveiled the new flag of the Space Force Friday. Trump, who regularly claims he inherited a hollow military, staged the ceremony for the new military service he pushed for  in the Oval Office – and claimed the U.S. was … Read more

The European flag quiz that only 10% of Britons could score full marks on

The European flag quiz that only 10% of Britons could score full marks on (with millennials performing worst) – see how many YOU can match to the correct country Generation Z (18-25) performed the best, with an average of 12 out of 15  Baby boomers scored 10 out of 15 on average, and Generation X … Read more