Courteney Cox dons FALSE FANGS to prank Johnny McDaid and Coco, 16, for April Fool’s Day

Courteney Cox dons FALSE FANGS to prank fiance Johnny McDaid and daughter Coco, 16, for April Fool’s Day By Sameer Suri For Published: 07:56 BST, 2 April 2021 | Updated: 07:56 BST, 2 April 2021 She rose to fame as a sitcom star on Friends. And Courteney Cox could be seen going for the … Read more

Curious mouse sniffs a blue viper… who promptly eats it with a flash of its fangs 

That was not going to end well: Curious mouse sniffs a blue viper… who promptly eats it with a flash of its fangs Images capture the dramatic moment a mouse is gobbled up by a blue pit viper in just five minutes The curious rodent is seen sniffing the 27-inch venomous snake, seemingly unaware of … Read more

False widow spiders’ fangs carry harmful bacteria resistant to antibiotic treatments

Many fear the bite of a false black widow spider, which can lead to painful swelling, stiffness and large abscesses. In rare cases it’s been blamed for paralysis, amputations and even death, but a new study confirms it’s not the arachnid’s bite that’s dangerous—it’s the bacteria on its fangs.  In a new study published in Scientific … Read more

Prehistoric ANCHOVIES evolved terrifying fangs and an enormous sabre-tooth 66million years ago

You wouldn’t fancy that on a pizza: Prehistoric ANCHOVIES evolved terrifying fangs and an enormous sabre-tooth 66million years ago Two prehistoric species of anchovy were found in Belgium and Pakistan  Analysis of the fossilised remains revealed the unusual dentition of the fish  They had sharp fangs on the bottom jaw and a lone sabre-tooth on the top … Read more