Indian man saved from ‘certain death balcony fall’

Moment bystander grabs man’s foot and saves him as he falls backwards off a first-floor balcony in India The man, known locally as Binu, was collecting his pension from a bank in India Bystander spotted Binu was swaying and grabbed him as he tipped backwards  The man grabbed Binu’s foot to stop him from plunging … Read more

Israel reports deaths and cases continuing to fall even as the country unlocks

Israel reports that coronavirus deaths and cases are continuing to fall even after restrictions being eased as the country unlocks following its world-leading vaccination drive.  Around 60% of Israel’s adult population has had their first Covid jab and the country’s R rate is now at 0.68, below the 0.8 threshold which signifies the pandemic is … Read more

Coronavirus caused world’s middle class to fall by 90m, as number of poor rises 131m

The pandemic caused the world’s middle class to shrink for the first time since the 1990s last year, according to an estimate based on World Bank data. Another estimate showed that almost two-thirds of households in developing economies reported that they had suffered loss in income in 2020. A study from non-partisan research group Pew … Read more

Britain’s daily Covid cases fall by 3% week-on-week to 5,758

Britain’s daily Covid cases fall by 3% week-on-week to 5,758 – while deaths plunge by a quarter to 141 Covid deaths fell by 25 per cent after 141 fatalities were announced, compared to 190 last Wednesday More infections with the virus are expected to be picked up because ministers have ramped up testing But the … Read more

Britain’s daily Covid deaths fall faster now than during first wave despite bigger winter outbreak  

Daily coronavirus deaths in Britain are falling at a faster rate than they did during the first wave, according to data which provides even more evidence that vaccines are saving lives.  Figures from No10’s Covid dashboard show that fatalities in the second wave peaked higher and fell further in the following seven weeks than during … Read more

Cash machine withdrawals fall 43%, but Britain no cashless society

The pandemic has seen three quarters of Britons use less cash, but millions still rely on physical money to pay for things, new data suggests. Around £37billion less cash ended up in the pocket, purses and wallets of consumers after a 43 per cent fall in ATM withdrawals over the last 12 months, according to … Read more

SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE: Princes’ pal Harry Meade battles back after horrific riding fall 

He’ll never be able to forget the ‘natives and colonials’ party — and the furore caused by the Nazi uniform — whilst in the last few months he has had to endure a very bumpy ride. But, proving that you really can put it all behind you, Harry’s saddled up once more. No, not Prince … Read more

Covid UK: 5,089 new cases in 8% week-on-week rise as deaths fall 1.5%

Britain today recorded an eight per cent week-on-week rise in Covid cases — even though they are still at levels seen in September before the second wave spiralled out of control. Department of Health bosses posted another 5,089 positive tests and 64 coronavirus victims. Deaths have fallen by just 1.5 per cent on last Monday’s … Read more

Health experts say US ‘fooled’ into relaxing restrictions as weekly infections fall below 400,000

Coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and deaths may be falling one year into the pandemic, but public health experts are warning not to relax precautions just yet. On Thursday, the U.S. recorded 48,223 new infections with a seven-day rolling average of 54,840, which is the lowest figure seen since October 15, according to a analysis of … Read more

Covid England: Cases rise 2.7% week-on-week as deaths fall 25% to 181

The UK today recorded a small increase in coronavirus cases compared to last week after a huge testing spike following the reopening of England’s schools. Department of Health figures show there were 6,753 positive tests in the past 24 hours — up 2.7 per cent on last Thursday’s figures. Officials are carrying out a record … Read more