British tourists will have to wear facemasks while sunbathing on the beach in Spain this summer 

British tourists will have to wear facemasks while sunbathing on the beach in Spain this summer under new government Covid rules The Spanish government has tightened its rules around mask wearing in public Masks are now obligatory in public at all times, including on the beach Previously, some regional authorities exempted sunbathers from wearing masks … Read more

Japanese worshippers adopt facemasks for festival where they walk through FIRE 

Japanese worshippers have prayed for the safety of themselves and their families by walking barefoot with Buddhist monks over smouldering coals at an annual festival near Mt. Takaosan. The fire-walking today was more tense than usual because participants were required to wear masks and maintain social distancing due to the coronavirus pandemic.  The festival was … Read more

PHE officials says Covid facemasks should be two or even three layers thick

Facemasks with at least two or three layers are effective at reducing the spread of Covid, a top UK health official has said. Public Health England’s Dr Susan Hopkins last night told the Downing Street press conference the ‘more layers you have the better’. The comment came in response to a question about the effectiveness … Read more

Pneumonia fears after 15m TOXIC Covid facemasks given to Belgium pharmacists

Belgium gave pharmacists 15 million TOXIC Covid facemasks that can cause pneumonia, health chiefs fear Health concerns over 15 million masks provided to pharmacists in Belgium  The masks contain silver and titanium dioxide which could prove harmful Sciensano has responded by saying its too early to draw any conclusions   By Sophie Tanno For Mailonline Published: … Read more

Belgium gave pharmacists 15 million TOXIC Covid facemasks

Belgium gave pharmacists 15 million TOXIC Covid facemasks that can cause pneumonia, health chiefs fear Health concerns over 15 million masks provided to pharmacists in Belgium  The masks contain silver and titanium dioxide which could prove harmful Sciensano has responded by saying its too early to draw any conclusions   By Sophie Tanno For Mailonline Published: … Read more

Ministers should urge people to wear facemasks in outdoor areas, SAGE experts say 

Ministers should urge people to wear facemasks OUTSIDE in parks and other crowded public areas, SAGE experts say Ministers being urged to encourage wearing of face coverings in outdoor areas Sage papers say rules should be tightened to slow the spread of the Kent variant Ability of face covering to block transmission difficult to quantify, … Read more

Molly-Mae Hague and Tommy Fury slammed for ditching facemasks in Maldives

Molly-Mae Hague and Tommy Fury have been slammed for ditching face masks while travelling to the Maldives.   While while enjoying a 45 minute seaplane ride from Male airport to You & Me located in Raa atoll, northern Maldives, for their most recent festive break, the Love Island couple, 21, hooked their facemasks beneath their chins. … Read more

Sweden coronavirus: Facemasks will be mandatory on public transport

Sweden will make face masks mandatory on public transport, the country’s Prime Minister has announced, in a major policy U-turn that defies advice from virus expert Anders Tegnell who has argued that they don’t work.  Stefan Lofven announced the move in a press conference on Friday as he tightened Sweden’s virus restrictions over the Chirstmas … Read more

Dartford Grammar School for Girls bans pupils from wearing Black Lives Matter facemasks

Dartford Grammar School for Girls bans pupils from wearing Black Lives Matter facemasks after they hold protest against decision not to stage assembly on the movement Students of Dartford Grammar School for Girls must wear plain face coverings The rule was introduced after some students wore ‘Black Lives Matter’ masks Parent Angela Wood, whose daughter … Read more

Facemasks turn lipstick into a dead gloss: Sales slump by almost HALF as women ditch lippy

Facemasks turn lipstick into a dead gloss: Sales slump by almost HALF as women ditch lippy while wearing PPE Sales of lipstick are down 49 per cent this year thanks to the rise of face masks Analysts said there was ‘significant’ link to the rule that made masks mandatory While lipstick sales have declined, eye … Read more