FitWaffle Kitchen baker shares her simple recipe for copycat Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough balls

Baker shares her simple recipe for cookie dough balls that taste exactly like Ben and Jerry’s ice cream A baker created cookie dough balls that taste exactly like Ben & Jerry’s ice cream They are made with simple supermarket ingredients and don’t contain eggs The balls are a ‘copycat’ of the iconic brand’s new ‘snackable … Read more

The Block’s Luke and Jasmin find themselves at the centre of yet ANOTHER copycat scandal

They’ve been accused of copying designs in the past, and on Wednesday’s episode of The Block, it was revealed Luke and Jasmin have the exact same secret door as best friends and rivals Jimmy and Tam. Hosts Scott Cam and Shelley Craft noticed the similarities while inspecting the renovations on each house.   ‘On the modern … Read more

YouTube launches TikTok copycat called ‘Shorts’ in India that lets users make15-second video clips 

YouTube announced the launch of its TikTok competitor called ‘Shorts.’ The service, first rolling out in India, allows users to upload videos up to 15 seconds that can be edited using the platform’s creator tools, including speed controls and a time and countdown. Users will also have access to YouTube’s massive library of music for … Read more

Facebook ‘to close TikTok copycat Lasso’ as app failed to take off with young users

Facebook is planning to shut down its TikTok copycat Lasso, after the year-and-a-half-old app failed to take off with young users. Lasso, which enables account-holders to post 15-second videos, was billed as the social media giant’s answer to its China-based competitor. But it was bogged down by problems early on, with its developer Brady Voss … Read more

Stilton, Scotch whisky and Melton Mowbray pork pies are under EU copycat threat 

Stilton, Scotch whisky and Melton Mowbray pork pies are at risk from Brexit trade deal that would remove copycat laws EU ‘to reject demands for stronger legal protections for UK regional products’  This could put British produce including Melton Mowbray pork pies under threat Britain has already agreed to protect EU regional products such as … Read more