Excited Britons try to catch a glimpse of Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket

People all over the UK shared photos of themselves watching tonight’s SpaceX rocket launch, with eagle-eyed spotters claiming to have seen the spacecraft fly past.    Britons shared their set-ups ahead of the 8.22pm launch, with families gathering in gardens up and down the country to peer up into the sky.  Several shared their excitement ahead … Read more

How Britons can watch Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket shooting overhead at 10.15pm TONIGHT

Britons will be able to see a rocket hurtle across the sky at 10.15pm tonight – as it loops around the Earth two hours after taking off from America. The Falcon 9, the first manned space flight to leave US soil for nine years, is set for blast off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, at 8.22pm … Read more

Only half of Britons are self-isolating when they get coronavirus symptoms

Only HALF of Britons are self-isolating for two weeks when they get coronavirus symptoms, SAGE warns, There could be low-compliance with the NHS ‘Test and Trace’ programme  according to the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) Under the programme, people in England will be told to isolate for two weeks SAGE released a raft of documents … Read more

Britons are warned don’t water your lawn as driest May on record raises fears of hosepipe bans

A water company has warned customers not to spray their lawns and take four-minute showers rather than baths as the driest May on record raises fears of hosepipe bans. Yorkshire Water has seen a spike in demand amid lockdown as it is set to become the driest May in 124 years, having only seen an … Read more

You CAN see your grandparents, Boris Johnson tells Britons as he announces lockdown relaxation rules

Britons will finally be able to see family and friends in groups of six from Monday, after Boris Johnson unlocked lockdown last nigh – though he warned social distancing measures would still have to be followed. After two months of stringent restrictions, the long-awaited change will mean many grandparents can see their children and grandchildren … Read more

Britons despair as it’s revealed hairdressers WON’T open until at least July 4

Britons have despaired over their scruffy hair as the government revealed salons and barbers will be closed for at least another month. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab confirmed hairdressers will reopen during phase three of the lifting of lockdown restrictions from July 4 at the earliest. It is a major blow for business owners and customers, … Read more

How four Britons banished the ‘corona stone’ by getting fit

When for two months the only reasons we’ve been allowed out of the house are to shop for essentials and for exercise, more and more people have taken up running, cycling and home workouts to keep fit during lockdown — and some for the very first time. While there are those who are consuming 2,331 … Read more

Furious Britons pick holes in Dominic Cummings’ story

‘I went for a drive to see if my eyesight for okay’: Furious Britons pick holes in Dominic Cummings’ story and accuse him of lying through car-crash press briefing Dominic Cummings faced fury over his decision to drive 260 miles to Durham He today refused to apologise for the trip and claimed he acted ‘reasonably’  … Read more

No10 tweets reminder that Britons should ‘keep 6ft apart from people you don’t live with’

No10 tweets reminder that Britons should ‘keep 6ft apart from people you don’t live with’… sparking explosion of memes, ridicule and fury online Government facing backlash after PM backed top aide for travelling in lockdown  Today No10 reminded people to keep distance following last night’s briefing  People responded by suggesting the rules do not apply … Read more

New report shows Britons with Type 2 diabetes are 50 per cent more likely to pass away prematurely

Diabetes increases risk of early death: New report shows Britons with the Type 2 form of the disease are 50 per cent more likely to pass away prematurely Britons with the type 2 form are 50 per cent more likely to die prematurely  Those with the type 1 form – an incurable disease – the risk … Read more