Loose Women suffers technical gaffe as James Martin is cut off

Loose Women suffers technical gaffe as James Martin is cut off in the middle of his segment… leaving Stacey Solomon joking that Nadia Sawalha engineered the glitch ON PURPOSE! By Ciara Farmer For Mailonline Published: 13:56 GMT, 18 December 2020 | Updated: 14:16 GMT, 18 December 2020 In 2020, the world has become accustomed to … Read more

Money and mental health: Listen to the Women & Money podcast

Money and mental health on the Women & Money podcast: Coping with redundancy, loss of income, and working from home alone or with kids By Sarah Davidson For Thisismoney.co.uk Published: 09:00 GMT, 18 December 2020 | Updated: 09:00 GMT, 18 December 2020 The past year has put a terrible strain everyone – our physical health, … Read more

From Rolex watches to diamond rings, meet the women who embrace the art of ‘self-gifting’

Louise Moody feels a frisson of excitement as she gazes at the beautifully wrapped gift bearing her name beneath the Christmas tree.  For come Christmas morning she knows there’ll be none of the old dread that her presents might be ill-fitting clothes, shoes she doesn’t like, or even a vacuum cleaner like one a friend’s … Read more

Women post photos of their legs in stockings to support tights model jailed for protests in Belarus

Women are posting photos of their legs in stockings to support a tights model who was jailed for protesting against the re-election of President Lukashenko in Belarus. Former Miss Belarus Olga Khizinkova was arrested last month after taking part in huge ‘unauthorised’ demonstrations in Minsk.  Female protesters are now flooding social media with photos of their … Read more

Bowel cancer could be a bigger risk for fat women than it is for fat men

Bowel cancer could be a bigger risk for fat women than it is for fat men, new study suggests Woman more typically gain weight on their hips and thighs which increases risk Led by University of Bristol and International Agency for Research on Cancer  Found women who are apple-shaped are at greater risk of getting … Read more

Women and girls groomed by gangs and forced to sell drugs should NOT face criminal charges, CPS says

Women and girls groomed by gangs and forced to sell drugs should NOT face criminal charges, CPS says Women and girls forced to commit crime should avoid gang-related prosecution The new guidance for lawyers has been issued by the Crown Prosecution Service It comes as prosecutors warned gang members ‘sell drugs from partner’s homes’ By Antonia … Read more

Hospitals must allow pregnant women to bring a visitor to appointments and labour, NHS says

Pregnant women will again be allowed to take someone with them to hospital appointments and have them by their side during labour, the NHS has said. Under coronavirus regulations brought in earlier this year mothers-to-be were required to go to appointments alone and leave partners, friends or relatives outside.  But health chiefs this week told … Read more

Premier League footballers are asked if they want to STOP taking the knee by the PFA

Do you WANT to keep taking the knee? Premier League footballers are asked if they want to STOP the pre-match gesture by the PFA after fans booed it across Football League grounds The survey was issued to all male and female professional clubs in England It asks whether players would prefer to take the knee … Read more

Pregnant women will be allowed to have partner present ‘at all times during their maternity journey’

Pregnant women will be allowed to have their partner present ‘at all times during their maternity journey’ under updated NHS rules Expectant mothers will be able to have a ‘support person’ with them in hospital  Partner, friend or relative can also attend ‘all appointments’ under the NHS rules  Thousands of mothers gave birth alone during … Read more

Two bikini-clad women are caught twerking in a public fountain in Spain

Bikini-clad women are fined for breaking Covid rules by twerking in a Spanish fountain at 4.30am Instagram video with a 4.31am timestamp showed the dance in a public square The women are accused of breaking the curfew and failing to wear a face mask At least one of the women was allegedly also seen at … Read more