Councils ignore Boris Johnson’s demands and tell schools they do NOT have to reopen on June 15

These are the main steps set out in the guidance for teachers: Preparing the premises The government guidance published today stipulates that the first thing institutions should do is ensure the premises is ready to receive children safely. The building should be checked if it has been out of use for a long time, and … Read more

Gavin Williamson says it will be ‘a long journey’ to get schools back to normal

Schools face a ‘long journey’ before they are able to return to normal, Gavin Williamson admitted today as he insisted classes must restart on June 1 for the mental health of children. The Education Secretary acknowledged that there would be ‘initial nervousness’ from parents about releasing their children from the months’ long shutdown. But he said … Read more

Schools WILL start to open on June 1 as planned says Boris Johnson and secondaries a fortnight later

Schools in Britain will start to reopen on June 1, the government has today announced. In a briefing to the nation this evening, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said some primary schools will open at the start of next month, with secondary schools to provide ‘some contact’ from 15 June.  Reception, year one and year six classes will … Read more

ANDREW PIERCE: Schools union rewrites the rules on impartiality 

Militant leaders of the National Education Union make it clear they will stop at nothing to prevent schools opening on June 1, using often spurious claims about ‘elf ’n’ safety’ and filing a list of 169 sometimes ludicrous demands to be met before they will consider a return. This is despite widespread fears of the … Read more

Schools WILL start to open on June 1 as planned says Boris Johnson

Schools WILL start to open on June 1 as planned says Boris Johnson after weeks of wrangling with teachers’ unions over coronavirus safety By James Robinson for MailOnline Published: 17:24 BST, 24 May 2020 | Updated: 17:30 BST, 24 May 2020 Schools in Britain will start to open on June 1, the government has today … Read more

Fears up to 75% of schools could stay shut with as furious ex-Ofsted chief blasts ministers

The former head of Ofsted blasted ministers today  for failing to convince parents it is safe to reopen schools on June 1 amid reports three-quarters will refuse to do so. Sir Michael Wishaw backed the Government’s plan for a phased restart from next Monday, saying the UK risked creating a ‘lost generation’ due to the months’ … Read more

Hardline councils that refuse to reopen primary schools risk causing ‘lifelong damage’ warn experts 

Hardline local authorities with under-performing primary schools are among those refusing to reopen next week, as experts warn it may cause ‘lifelong damage’ to poor pupils 23 local education authorities in England opposed to June 1 school re-openings This includes deprived areas such as Manchester, Hartlepool and Knowsley   Lee Elliot Major warned that each week away … Read more

‘Independent SAGE’ chief warns schools cannot reopen safely on June 1

Tony Blair‘s Chief Scientific Adviser when he was prime minister today claimed it is not safe to reopen schools on June 1 as scores of councils pulled their support. Sir David King, who chairs the ‘Independent Sage’ committee, said it is ‘too soon’ for children to return and claims ‘new modelling’ found the risk to children … Read more

Plans to reopen primary schools are driven by welfare concerns

Plans to reopen primary schools are driven by welfare concerns not evidence younger year groups are less vulnerable to the virus, Sage source reveals PM wants children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 to go back to class on June 1  Decision was based on welfare not evidence younger pupils are less prone to … Read more

Opening schools is unlikely to increase spread of coronavirus among children or adults

A review of the scientific evidence into the risks presented by re-opening schools amid the coronavirus crisis has concluded that doing so is unlikely to spread the disease among children or adults.  The research, a systematic review of more than 47 separate studies, found that children are at a low risk of catching, spreading and suffering … Read more