Dominic Raab warns France its trawlers will have ‘zero access’ to British fish without a Brexit deal

France was told its fishing boats will have ‘zero access’ to British waters if there is a No Deal Brexit today – as a senior minister that the UK was preparing to ”enforce our waters’. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab fired a warning shot at Paris amid after it was revealed four Royal Navy gunboats were on … Read more

Dominic Raab accuses EU of ‘moving the goal posts’ on trade talks

Dominic Raab today raised hopes of the UK and the EU striking a post-Brexit trade accord as he said ‘there is a deal to be done’ but warned fishing rights remain the ‘one outstanding major bone of contention’.  The Foreign Secretary said he believed talks between Britain and the bloc are now entering their final … Read more

Dominic Raab admits there is a ‘risk’ of a third wave of coronavirus

Dominic Raab today admitted there is a ‘risk’ of a third wave of coronavirus infections in the New Year if ministers ‘don’t get the balance right’ on tiered restrictions.  The Foreign Secretary said the Government is ‘doing everything we can to avoid’ a third national shutdown as he defended the decision to plunge the majority … Read more

Dominic Raab says US election result ‘beyond reasonable doubt’

Dominic Raab insists US election result is ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ and dismisses fears Boris Johnson and Joe Biden will not get along after backlash over PM’s past comments about Barack Obama No10 is busy war gaming the crucial first phone call between PM and Joe Biden  Sources close to Democratic campaign questioned if Mr Johnson … Read more

Travel bosses urge Dominic Raab to lift the travel ban on ‘low-risk’ foreign holidays

Travel bosses urge Dominic Raab to lift the travel ban on ‘low-risk’ foreign holidays when the second lockdown comes to an end Travel bosses urged Dominic Raab to lift the blanket ban on ‘non-essential travel’ They have asked the Foreign Secretary to allow holidays that pose a ‘low-risk’   All outbound international travel banned apart from … Read more

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab says England WILL resort to whack-a-mole lockdowns

The Foreign Secretary admitted the blanket national intervention was ‘reluctantly’ accepted as a last-ditch attempt to get a grip on the second wave Dominic Raab today claimed England will resort to the whack-a-mole strategy of fighting coronavirus outbreaks when the national lockdown ends on December 2.  The Foreign Secretary admitted the blanket national intervention — … Read more

Dominic Raab hints Government is considering Tier Four coronavirus curbs

Dominic Raab today hinted the Government could introduce a new Tier Four set of even stricter coronavirus restrictions as he refused to rule out a national lockdown.  The Government’s current local lockdown system is based on three tiers but there are fears that even the most draconian rules in Tier Three are not enough to … Read more

Dominic Raab refuses to rule out boycott of 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing

Dominic Raab refuses to rule out boycott of 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing and Prince William may not attend over concerns about China’s abuse of Uighur Muslims Foreign Secretary said there is ‘evidence of egregious human rights violations’ China previously denied claims it is carrying out forced sterilisation of Muslims  Around 380 sites in the Xinjiang … Read more

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said he feared Boris Johnson would die after contracting coronavirus

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has revealed he feared Boris Johnson would die after the Conservative leader was admitted to hospital with coronavirus. The Prime Minister was taken into intensive care in April after his Covid-19 symptoms worsened while being treated at St Thomas’ hospital in central London. Mr Raab deputised for the Prime Minister during … Read more

Dominic Raab sparks fresh chaos over lockdown saying McDonalds will have to bring in TABLE SERVICE

New lockdown rules at a glance  Office workers who can work ‘normally’ from home should do so. English pubs, bars and restaurants must close by 10pm from Thursday. The hospitality sector will be restricted to table service only. Face coverings must be worn in taxis and retail staff while at work. Customers in indoor hospitality … Read more