Boris Johnson is under intense pressure to sack Dominic Cummings

Dominic Cummings was fighting for his political life last night as pressure mounted on Boris Johnson to sack his chief adviser for flouting lockdown rules. Downing Street‘s top aide travelled from London to his parents’ Durham farm in March to self-isolate with coronavirus symptoms – despite restrictions banning non-essential journeys.   The bombshell revelations whipped up accusations … Read more

NatWest/RBS staff member reveals lockdown target pressure

The Royal Bank of Scotland has been accused of using sales target pressure for branch staff under coronavirus-lockdown at home. A whistleblower lifted the lid on the sales culture and claims that staff are having meetings over Zoom first thing in the morning to talk over targets, how many customers they’re expected to contact and … Read more

Donald Trump ramps up pressure on China by with attack on Huawei

U.S. officials moved Friday to cut off Chinese tech giant Huawei from global chipmakers, ramping up sanctions on the company seen by Washington as a national security risk. The move is part of a ramping-up of attacks on China, with Donald Trump and his administration accusing it of being culpable for the spread of coronavirus. … Read more

BBC comes under pressure to sack Radio 5 Live presenter Sam Quek for breaching advertising rules

By Katie Hind for the Mail On Sunday  Cruising along clear roads, posing in beauty spots and heading to a party weekend at Glastonbury, some of Britain’s top actors love taking to Instagram to flash their expensive cars.  But what many of them did not tell their fans is that they were lent the high-end … Read more

Airlines under pressure to scrap charges of up to £160 for changing the name on tickets 

Airlines under pressure to scrap ‘ludicrous and unfair’ charges of up to £160 for changing the name on tickets Civil Aviation Authority is calling on airlines to make booking terms ‘transparent’ It says carriers are charging ‘significant amounts’ to correct simple mistakes  Which? found that Ryanair charges up to £160 to tweak the name on … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Pressure on government to recommend face masks

Pressure today mounted on ministers to make a formal face masks announcement after an expert panel ruled they can curb the spread of the coronavirus. Top experts from the prestigious Royal Society concluded that masks – even home-made ones – can reduce the transmission of the deadly infection.  In evidence given to Number 10‘s Scientific Advisory … Read more

Scientists to test if drugs for cancer, depression and high blood pressure can treat coronavirus

Scientists are in a race against time to test both existing drugs and experimental therapies in the hope one of them can slow down the spread of the coronavirus. Among those are medications used to treat cancer, high blood pressure, gout, heartburn and depression. Researchers believe the pills may help with a variety of conditions … Read more

Chancellor Rishi Sunak under pressure to introduce second wave of furlough payment

The chancellor Rishi Sunak is under pressure to launch a second wave of furlough payments as the government’s scheme is set to run out in June. Industry and manufacturing think-tanks have warned that without further payments up to 35 per cent of jobs could be lost in parts of the UK, as businesses struggle to … Read more

Common blood pressure pills DO NOT make coronavirus worse, three studies find

Common blood pressure pills DO NOT make coronavirus worse: Tablets taken by 6.6million Britons make ‘no difference’ to the severity of the illness, three major studies find ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers do not lead to worse illness Animal studies last month suggested the pills could warp shape of human cells  US researchers say … Read more

M&S defies pressure to cut executive pay packages

M&S Chief Executive Steve Rowe will still take his full £810,000 salary plus bonuses despite taxpayers picking up the tab for retailer’s furloughed staff By Tom Witherow For The Daily Mail Published: 23:40 BST, 28 April 2020 | Updated: 01:54 BST, 29 April 2020 The boss of Marks & Spencer is not taking a pay … Read more