Indian elephant rubs its face in the Jim Corbett National Park

Jumbo faceplant! Moment elephant dives trunk-first onto grass verge to give herself a mud mask The Indian elephant was filmed in the Jim Corbett National Park in Uttrakhand The elephant buried its head into the verge to rub its face in the mud A tour guide told photographer Arpit Kooba the elephant was removing bugs   … Read more

Aintree rejects plea to delay Grand National by a few days until betting shops re-open

Aintree REJECTS pleas to delay Grand National by a few days until betting shops are allowed to re-open as part of Government’s roadmap out of lockdown An estimated £125m is bet on the National — Britain’s biggest betting race  Betting shops are set to re-open two days after the Grand National on April 10 Betting … Read more

National Trust rents out medieval manor owned by great-grandmother of Lady Jane Grey

A medieval manor house which was owned by the great-grandmother of Lady Jane Grey is to be closed to the public by the National Trust to allow it to be permanently rented as holiday accommodation.  Shute Barton, in the village of the same name near Axminster, Devon, dates from the 14th century and was owned … Read more

The Bachelorette’s Ab Sow resurfaces in popular new ad after rejecting Becky Miles on national TV  

Blast from the past! The Bachelorette’s AB Sow resurfaces in popular new ad – months after rejecting Becky Miles on national TV By Abi Moustafa For Daily Mail Australia Published: 06:29 GMT, 23 February 2021 | Updated: 06:29 GMT, 23 February 2021 He’s best known for rejecting Becky Miles at the inaugural rose ceremony during … Read more

Amazing dangerous waterfall pool hidden in a quiet national park in NSW near Sydney

Selfie-lovers flock to amazing waterfall pool hidden in a park just two hours’ drive from Sydney – but viewers SLAM social media posers for ‘dangerous’ stunts leaning over the edge A woman had shared spectacular video of Carrington Waterfall in regional NSW  TikTok user jadesimkins shared video from the top of the falls earlier in … Read more

Minister hints postcode lockdowns to be used when national curbs eased

Minister Helen Whately today hinted postcode lockdowns will be imposed by the Government to stop the spread of dangerous coronavirus variants when national curbs are eased.  The measures are said to be under consideration in Whitehall as Boris Johnson prepares to unveil his lockdown exit strategy on Monday next week.  Ms Whately appeared to confirm … Read more

National Theatre shelves plans for European tour due to extra costs of visas and permits post-Brexit

Luvvies’ labours lost: National Theatre shelves plans for European tour because of extra costs of visas and work permits after Brexit Actors and musicians must now apply for visas and permits to perform in the EU National Theatre said tours not financially viable due to lack of clarity and costs Union members including Julie Walters … Read more

Dame Esther Rantzen calls for Government to set aside national day of mourning

Dame Esther Rantzen calls for Government to set aside national day of mourning to remember the 117,000 people who have died with Covid Veteran campaigner Esther Rantzen thinks people will need a break to reflect She also wants a phone number created for those in mourning to contact The total number of Covid deaths in … Read more

Huge blaze lights up sky for miles around as Dartmoor national park catches fire

Huge blaze lights up sky for miles around as Dartmoor national park catches fire Firefighters on scene trying to battle a huge blaze on Dartmoor which witnesses have described as ‘biblical’ Flames have filled night sky with bright orange glow which can be seen from as far as Plymouth and Cornwall   The national park emergency officer … Read more

NBA will FORCE Dallas Mavericks to play the national anthem before games

The NBA is once again enforcing its longstanding policy requiring teams to play the national anthem before games after Mavericks owner Mark Cuban decided to discontinue the practice in Dallas because he and the team believe The Star-Spangled Banner does not represent all communities.  ‘With NBA teams now in the process of welcoming fans back … Read more