Extinction: Cold snap 12,900 years ago killed off North America’s woolly mammoths and megafauna

North America’s megafauna — giant animals such as woolly mammoths and bear-sized beavers — were driven to extinction by a near-glacial climate, a study claimed. Researchers from Germany used a new statistical method to estimate the changing population sizes of the giant animals from the radiocarbon record. They found that megafauna numbers responded to climatic shifts, and they … Read more

Stunning photos reveal skulls and tusks of dozens of mammoths

Excavations in Mexico have revealed a graveyard of almost 70 fossilised mammoths. Stunning images from the site reveal the bright white skulls and tusks of the prehistoric giants. Fossilised remains of the now extinct cousin of the elephant were first discovered in 2019 during routine digs to clear land for a new airport. Ongoing work … Read more

Drawings of woolly mammoths and rhinos at least 15,000 years old

Amazing rock art depicting ‘woolly mammoths and rhinos’ were created by an ancient man at least 15,000 years ago, says a new study. The petroglyphs straddling the border between Russia and Mongolia are 7,000 years older than previously thought.  The finds at the ancient alfresco ‘art gallery’ have been confirmed in a detailed study by … Read more