Men evolved bushy beards to protect their jaws from punches

Men have evolved to grow beards in order to protect their jaws from incoming punches from foes, a study has found.  Facial hair is the most evident manifestation of sexual dimorphism — physical differences between males and females — in humans. But its actual purpose has long remained an enigma, with some researchers claiming its purpose … Read more

Prehistoric ANCHOVIES evolved terrifying fangs and an enormous sabre-tooth 66million years ago

You wouldn’t fancy that on a pizza: Prehistoric ANCHOVIES evolved terrifying fangs and an enormous sabre-tooth 66million years ago Two prehistoric species of anchovy were found in Belgium and Pakistan  Analysis of the fossilised remains revealed the unusual dentition of the fish  They had sharp fangs on the bottom jaw and a lone sabre-tooth on the top … Read more

Bird-brained: Parrots and crows have evolved ‘truly exceptional’ brain sizes

Bird-brained: Parrots and crows have evolved ‘truly exceptional’ brain sizes while pigeons and emus have the same brain-to-body ratio as dinosaurs did 66 million years ago Birds and dinosaurs had similar brain sizes around 66million years ago  After the mass extinction of the dinosaurs birds evolved relatively bigger brains   Body size of some birds got … Read more

Coronavirus HAS mutated: Strains that evolved to be far deadlier have spread in Europe and New York

The novel coronavirus has mutated which could have very deadly complications for the pandemic, a new small study finds. A team of Chinese researchers from Zhejiang University say there are at least 30 strains of the virus, known as SARS-COV-2. Strains within China were some of the most dangerous and resembled ones that spread across … Read more