Mark Ruffalo, Alyssa Milano, Debra Messing react over Joe Biden edging forward to the White House

‘Boom!’ Mark Ruffalo, Alyssa Milano, Debra Messing react as Hollywood stars get excited over Joe Biden edging forward in the race to the White House Mark Ruffalo, Debra Messing and Alyssa Milano were among the Hollywood stars tweeting their excitement at Joe Biden’s lead Biden won the state of Wisconsin and is currently leading in Michigan, … Read more

US Election 2020: Joe Biden breaks 2008 Obama popular vote record

Massive voter turnout has led Democratic nominee Joe Biden to receive more votes for president than any other candidate in US history with 70million counted so far, breaking Barack Obama‘s 2008 popular vote record.  The former Vice President racked up more than 70,470,044 votes as of Wednesday at 3.20pm EST, surpassing Obama’s popular vote total … Read more

Biden is ahead by just 0.7 per cent of the vote in Wisconsin

Counting in Wisconsin has gone right down to the wire with Joe Biden clinging on to a wafer-thin lead over President Donald Trump. With 97 per cent of ballots tallied and just over 20,000 votes – 0.7 per cent – separating the candidates, the world is watching which way the state will finally fall.  Biden is … Read more

Michigan is set to announce a result TODAY, with Joe Biden ahead by 0.07%

Joe Biden has inched to a 0.2% per cent lead in Michigan, with 94 per cent of the votes counted in the Rust Belt state – potentially damaging President Trump’s hopes of a second term. Michigan is expected to declare an election result at some point today as vote counting runs long amid an influx of … Read more

Pennsylvania result may not come until FRIDAY as Trump leads Biden by 12 per cent

Pennsylvania result may not come until FRIDAY as Trump leads Biden by 12 per cent – but there’s more than a million ballots left to count By James Gant For Mailonline Published: 10:32 GMT, 4 November 2020 | Updated: 10:40 GMT, 4 November 2020 Pennsylvania is being watched closely as the fate of the presidency … Read more

Downing Street anxiously awaits US election result between Trump and Biden

Downing Street anxiously awaits US election verdict as Dominic Raab admits there are different ‘opportunities and risks’ between Trump and Biden but says Special Relationship can thrive with either Dominic Raab said US election too close to call but voiced confidence in system  Admitted there are different ‘opportunities and risks’ between the candidates Insisted Special … Read more

Piers Morgan blames Democrats and Joe Biden for close election race

‘We were told this was going to be a landslide!’ Piers Morgan blames the Democrats and Joe Biden’s lacklustre campaign for closer than predicted presidential race The Democratic candidate failed to flip crucial toss-up states such as Florida  Both Biden and Donald Trump claimed they are surging towards 270 colleges  Yet Morgan said it was … Read more

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend get back to LA after Joe Biden rally

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend return to Los Angeles with kids in tow after campaigning for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in Philadelphia By Dan Heching For Published: 05:22 GMT, 4 November 2020 | Updated: 05:23 GMT, 4 November 2020 They appeared onstage with vice presidential hopeful Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania on Monday night, … Read more

Election betting market edges towards Trump as Biden struggles to make breakthroughs in key states

Donald Trump‘s odds of winning the 2020 presidential race has reached an all-time high for the first time on Election Day as the final polls across the country begin to close. Bookies around the world are placing their bets on whether Trump will secure another four years in office or if he’ll be ousted by … Read more

US Election 2020: Millions line up to vote for Trump or Biden

America is on a knife edge tonight as millions cast their ballots on the most divisive President in modern history. Voters have been lining up from 5.30am to have their say in the race between Donald Trump and his rival for the White House, Joe Biden. A polarised and exhausted country, riven by racial tensions … Read more